Weekend Blog Hop : Weekend Rules; Stay In Bed!!

Weekend Blog Hop: Weekend Rules; Stay In Bed!! Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just stay in bed all weekend?

Have time to yourself to just catch up on sleep.

Weekend Blog Hop: Weekend Rules; Stay In Bed!!

Weekend Blog Hop: Weekend Rules; Stay In Bed!!

This week it has been mad. Children back to school. Early morning ironing. Cleaning the messy house after Christmas. 

Trying to catch up on washing after a few days off. Running every day.  Making food and more food. Walking Mollie twice a day. 

Walking to the dentist without a big coat or hat on as I get stressed going there and then getting a chill. 

Making myself poor from not wearing a big coat and hat. Hot and cold fever. 

Having to go back to the dentist yesterday and have 2 old filling replace. One worse than other causing pain at night. Joining back at a gym. 

Going spinning. Riding my bike down to the gym.

I am just exhausted writing this list!!

 Now all I want to do is sleep all weekend!!

Not that that is going to happen. Up nice and early to walk the dog then catch a train to my son and daughters race!!

Oh well, I can dream zzzzzz...

Want to join us at The Weekend Blog Hop and share your posts?

Weekend Rules; Stay In Bed!!

Please follow the weekend blog hop rules:

Link up any family friendly posts. Have fun and enjoy yourself it is Friday!? Yeah!! Grab your favourite drink and join us for the blog hop. Links can be on any topic as you would like to share. They can including recipes, crafts, decor, style, household tips, anything that you have been writing about lately.

Please follow me your host of this weekend blog hop on at least one social media channel of your choice. All ways to follow can be found on the sidebar above.

Feel free to add as many posts of your choice on this fun blog hop. 

Please try and support your fellow blog hopper by visiting some of the other posts that have linked up to the blog hop too. Makes the blog hop more fun for everyone.

Feel free to tweet me at @clairejustineo your posts links using the #weekendbloghop hashtag in your social media posts.

Happy Weekend!! Have fun.

This linky list has now closed. Please stop by and join us again soon.

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Planning A Spring Bedroom Makeover:

Over the last few weeks I have seemingly caught cold after cold. In the process getting myself very run down.

When you are weak you tend to notice things that would not normally bother you.

One thing then which has been particularly annoying me, is how much clutter we seem to have. It is ridiculous. Planning A Spring Bedroom Makeover.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Stephanie Robinson
    12 January 2017 / 21:22

    Goodness that does sound bonkers, hope you hibernated in bed 🙂

  2. Mixed Reviews
    7 January 2017 / 00:35

    Thank you for hosting this awesome link up!

    6 January 2017 / 23:42

    Thank you dear Claire Justine for all your hosting thru 2016.Wishing you a great year 2017 with your dear family.FABBY

  4. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    6 January 2017 / 21:17

    I didn't stay in bed all day but the other day after working a 3 day stretch including New Year's Day night, I stayed in my PJ's all day!!Thanks so much for stopping by!!I really appreciate you taking the time to visit!!Hugs,Debbie

  5. Paula Rockwell
    6 January 2017 / 20:17

    You deserve to stay in bed all weekend! I think the last time I ever stayed in bed all weekend was about 25 years ago, no joke. I believe I will be tired forever. Anyways Happy New Year! Thanks for hosting! You may notice I messed my photo up. I can redo it if you were to delete it. If not that's ok too 🙂

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 10:14

      Hehe, I know Paula, once you have kids there is no stopping in bed!! I will mend this for you 🙂

  6. csuhpat1
    6 January 2017 / 18:45

    Get some rest and have a wonderful weekend.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 10:09

      Thanks Patrick 🙂

  7. harmskills
    6 January 2017 / 17:27

    I am with you on this week! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 10:08

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  8. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    6 January 2017 / 15:28

    Your week is exhausting me! This week has been rough around here too. So glad it's Friday but I won't be staying in bed all weekend either. Time to take down the Christmas decorations and get a few other things done too!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 10:05

      Hi Heather, whoo I did mine the other day too. Funny how it takes forever to put up and you enjoy it but when it comes to taking it down, I do it as quick as possible!!

  9. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    6 January 2017 / 13:38

    Relax and enjoy your weekend

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 10:02

      Thank you Carol 🙂

  10. Tamar SB
    6 January 2017 / 13:30

    The first week back to reality is always the hardest!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 10:01

      Thanks Tamar, its like a tester for the following week, isn't it. I bet that is why the children go back for just half a week !?

  11. Dawn Lucy - Fashion Should Be Fun
    6 January 2017 / 12:08

    A homebody weekend is just what I need too! Hope we both get some rest!!OXOXDawn Lucyhttp://fashionshouldbefun.com

    • Clairejustine oxox
      8 January 2017 / 09:54

      Thanks Dawn, hope you get some rest too 🙂

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