Turkey And Stuffing Pie: Leftover Christmas Turkey

Recipe and photo credit by - Canned Food UK

Turkey And Stuffing Pie: Leftover Christmas Turkey.

How tasty!?

Love turkey?

Love stuffing?

Love pie?

Why not have a go at making this Turkey And Stuffing Pie with any leftover Christmas turkey this year?

Turkey And Stuffing Pie

How To Make A Turkey And Stuffing Pie:

Turkey And Stuffing Pie

Serves: 4-6

Preparation Time: 30 minutes, or less if you use readymade pastry.
Cooking Time: 30 – 40 minutes

For The Filling:

295g can condensed mushroom soup

198g can sweetcorn, drained

400 – 500g cooked turkey meat, cut into bite-size chunks

100g stuffing, cut into bite size pieces

4 Tbsp crème fraîche or milk


For The Pastry:

500g shortcrust pastry (ready prepared)

1 Tbsp milk or beaten egg for glazing

Turkey And Stuffing Pie

Turkey And Stuffing Pie Method:

1.) Preheat your oven to fan 170°C, conventional 190°C, gas 5.

2.) Empty the soup into a bowl and stir in the crème fraîche or milk.

3.) Add the turkey, stuffing, sweetcorn and seasoning to the bowl.

4.) Grease a 20cm ovenproof pie dish, then take two-thirds of the pastry roll it out on a floured surface and lay it onto the dish.

5.) Trim off the excess pastry.

6.) Place the prepared filling into the pastry-lined dish.

7.) Dampen the edge of the pastry rim with water, roll out the remaining pastry and cover the pie.

8.) Seal the edges well and trim neatly.

9.) Make a small hole in the centre of the pie to allow steam to escape, then brush the surface with milk or beaten egg.

10.) Bake for 30 – 40 minutes until the pastry is golden.

Hints and Tips:

 If you haven’t enough turkey to fill the pie dish try adding canned ham or additional vegetables – leeks and broccoli also work well.

Nutrition Information (per serving):

Calories: 956

Protein: 45.8g

Carbs: 76.6g

Sugars: 3.7g

Fat: 53.8g

Sat Fat: 17.4g

Fibre: 3.5g

Sodium: 1.1g

Turkey And Stuffing Pie

Recipe and photo credit by – Canned Food UK

Love Your Christmas Food Leftovers:

Love Your Christmas Food Leftovers With These 5 Easy Turkey Recipe Ideas. These easy turkey recipes will make you savour every bite of your Christmas leftovers, turning them into a delightful post-holiday feast.

Love Your Christmas Food Leftovers With These 5 Easy Turkey Recipe Ideas.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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Recipe and photo credit by - Canned Food UK


  1. Clairejustine
    3 December 2011 / 14:36

    @mum in meltdown Thanks for the comment 🙂

  2. Tina´s PicStory
    3 December 2011 / 07:24

    that sounds and looks very yummy! can´t wait to see your post for weekend flowers 🙂

  3. mum in meltdown
    2 December 2011 / 22:14

    This looks Yummy! A good way to use up turkey left overs 🙂 will give it a try over Xmas.

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