When I have time off from running, it always feels like I’m starting again at the beginning and never achieved anything when you did run!
There is always some kind of distraction, getting me away from a run. Illness, housework, looking after family, painting the house, ironing or looking after a puppy. I have used all of these excuse over the last month and before you know it weeks and weeks have passed by. Now I am trying to get back into a routine, before the children break up for summer on Wednesday.
This weeks running:
- Monday: 2 miles run.
- Wednesday: 2 x 2 miles run.
- Friday: 1.5 miles run
- 1.66 miles
This weeks spinning:
- Monday 1 hour
- Wednesday: 1 hour
Slow starting back but then again better than nothing..
“Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up and knows that it must
run faster than the fastest Lion that day, or it will be killed and eaten.
Every morning in Africa, a Lion wakes up and knows that it must run
faster than the slowest Gazelle that day, or it will starve to death. It
doesn’t matter if you are a lion or a gazelle: when the sun comes up,
you’d better be running.”
– Unknown
A little bit of Sunday motivation: Love this song from a spinning class, makes me want to get fit!!
Song Lyrics
Is your head spinning?
Is your heart racing?
Is there fire in your veins?…

Back on it, very slowly ..
Good for you getting back to a routine! I find the same after a few weeks away, it's like starting from scratch all over again! Worth it though once you get going! And I love that Towel Boy song – hadn't seen it before! 🙂
I feel the same way. But something is always better than nothing. It really is.
Good for you! It's always tough to get back to any exercise routine!! A slow start is great because you've started!
glad you're enjoying the running, but I agree it's all too easy to keep putting exercise off
Good for the body and mind!Glad you got out to enjoy yourself.Does the puppy want to run with you? :)Have a Great Week!Peace :)PS. Very nice quote! In reading some recent works, I understand the Lion and the Gazelle, while they might think about having to run fast, first thing in the morning, don't worry about it, on and on, unlike many of us – humans. I loved this post…