Spring Is Just Around The Corner

Spring Is Just Around The Corner: Motivational Monday. Hello friends. Happy Monday. I love this time of year for spotting signs of Spring. Don’t you?

It really cheers me up. I just love to see the burst of colour, everywhere.

Spring Is Just Around The Corner: Motivational Monday.

Spring Is Just Around The Corner and I am so happy thinking about it. Groundhog day has been and gone, and the countdown is underway. Here are a few of the things I think about when I think of Spring.

As the last remnants of winter reluctantly packed their bags and headed for an extended vacation, Spring peeked around the corner like a mischievous neighbour who had been eavesdropping on winter’s complaints about the cold.

Spring Is Just Around The Corner: Motivational Monday

Flowers started practicing their synchronised blooming routine, and the sun began flexing its rays, preparing for the grand performance ahead.

Birds were busy composing tweets (the non-digital kind) for their upcoming spring concert, while squirrels were organising a marathon for acorn enthusiasts.

Even the trees were getting ready to reveal their latest fashion collection – leaves!

It seems that Spring is not just around the corner; it’s planning to make a grand entrance, armed with sunshine, laughter, and a questionable sense of fashion for all things in bloom.

Get ready to bid farewell to winter blues and welcome the season of awkwardly timed sneezes and uncontrollable bouts of hay fever!

Spring Is Just Around The Corner

Spring Is Just Around The Corner: Motivational Monday:

Spring Sunshine.

Firstly, spring sunshine. It might still be cold but I love to see the sunshine. The sun has been shining here and it is slightly starting to warm up. Spring is on its way.

Also, I might hang some washing out today? Did you see these beautiful flower photos? Beautiful Colourful Flowers In The Spring Sunshine.

After all this beautiful weather we have been having, it turned rainy towards the end of the week. Hopefully not too long so we can have a fun party in the garden.

I love it when the sun shines. Sunshine cheers me up no end. Beautiful Colourful Flowers In The Spring Sunshine.

Winter Colds.

Secondly, say goodbye to winter colds. Well hopefully. A time to say goodbye to winter colds but then again everyone has been so careful with covid around, our bodies have been protected from colds and flu.

Not very good for the immune system though. It does make you feel so good knowing Spring is around the corner. 

Especially when you have been poorly! I can’t wait for the Winter cold and flu germs to go away. Not nice!

Spring Is Just Around The Corner:

Pretty Colourful Flowers:

Pretty Colourful Flowers.

Thirdly, all of the beautiful flowers are starting to pop up everywhere. Flower bloom is starting to grow on the trees and we have had a lovely week of sunshine. What more can we ask for?

I love to spot signs of Spring.

Talking of beautiful flowers, did you see this post? Beautiful Colours Of Summer In St James Park. Whenever we visit London I love to take a walk through St James Park because it is my favourite park. It is so beautiful. The flowers are always amazing and the wildlife is just stunning to see. I love taking photos of flowers. So bright and so beautiful.

I so love to take photos of the wildlife, but I can never get a clear shot of them, even though they are so close. Beautiful Colours Of Summer In St James Park.

Fourthly, Ladybirds.

So, soon the ladybirds will be out and then you know the weather will be warming up. I love to see ladybirds in the garden and you know how much I love red and polka dots, don’t you?

You can see me rocking black with red polka dots here: You might like my Instagram Reel here Can’t resist a bargain!

Red And Black Polka Dot Shirt From The Charity Shop.

Last week on my mum, daughter and my shopping trip, I picked up this blouse in the charity shop. After all the polka dot colours items of clothing I own, I didn’t own anything red.

Until last Thursday when I picked up this top and a red and black long polka dot dress too. Well big dots, anyway. This fits perfectly as it was a size 12. Red And Black Polka Dot Shirt From The Charity Shop.

Spring Is Just Around The Corner:

Packing Away Winter Clothes:

Packing Away Winter Clothes.

Fifth, not just yet but a nice thought. Soon it will be time to pack the winter jackets away. I can not wait to start wearing lighter clothes. Also, not having to layer up. Talking of packing up winter clothes, you might like this post:

Large Vacuum Storage Bags: Bargain Of The Year. I

was looking for something in Home Bargains to store some of my Summer clothes away and stumbled upon these. I brought 2 boxes.

When I got them home and saw the size of them, how many clothes they held and how much air came out of them. I was amazed at how good they were for storing your clothes away nicely. Large Vacuum Storage Bags.

Longer Daylight:

Longer Daylight.

Sixth, what about the lighter nights too? They make me so cheerful, knowing that Summer will not be long away. I love lighter evenings. Makes me want to sit in the garden all evening and chill.

Bumble Bees.

Seventh, soon the bumble bees will be out gathering up all their nectar. The bumble bees are so sweet. I love to see them around.

Talking of bees I adore these photos: Mr. Bumble Bee. I took these pictures on Sunday when we went on a nature walk. So, I took them on my phone because I only had a phone on me and love how the photos turned out. I love taking photo’s of flowers or bees and bees with flowers. Mr. Bumble Bee.

April Showers.

Eighth, soon the Spring rain will be upon us. I love running in the rain. It can be so refreshing.

I am not to fond of rain but I am once I have run a bit and need to cool down. Maybe this will kick start my running again. Talking of running, The London Marathon results are being sent out by email today! I wonder if I get in? Doubt it.

Spring Is Just Around The Corner:

Leaves On The Trees:

Leaves On The Trees.

Ninth, soon the trees will be full of colour. I love the pink blossom. First the blossom then the leaves will start to appear. I love seeing spring bloom. These photos were taken in Chesterfield are so beautiful:

Chesterfield Crooked Spire Spring Bloom.

Another beautiful morning here. It is a pleasure to go out walking Mollie on days like this when we can leave the Winter jackets behind. It was really warm yesterday, just like a hot Summers day.

Then it did turn really cold last night. When we were at the running club. I was shaking with the cold. It took ages to warm up too! I hate to be cold! I am so nesh. Chesterfield Crooked Spire Spring Bloom.

beautiful crocus


Tenth, the crocuses are starting to appear, what a beautiful sight that is. I adore seeing a blanket of them all together in the park.

Yellow Daffodils.

Tenth, I have spotted a few already, and soon all the pretty flowers will be all around for us to enjoy.

So now I leave you with some pretty flowers I spotted over the weekend on a walk with Murphy in Queens Park, Chesterfield.

More spring is just around the corner photos:

Purple crocus

Spring Is Just Around The Corner: Motivational Monday

Spring Is Just Around The Corner. Are you looking forward to Spring? So what things spring to mind when you think of Spring? What is your favourite season?

Not long now until the first day of spring. Do you love the spring months too?

Updated post. New updated photos too. First published here 17th March 2016.

Spring Is Just Around The Corner:
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Carol
    25 March 2022 / 23:28

    Hurray for Spring! The blooming crocuses are so pretty, and the puppy is adorable. Enjoy!

  2. image-in-ing weeklly photo linky
    21 March 2022 / 19:25

    I so love spring blooms!

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Glenda Cates
    21 March 2022 / 14:44

    I love Spring and the flowers and being able to Garden with my son. Taking walks with our dogs and playing in the Park. But more than that the Sunshine.

    • 25 March 2022 / 19:56

      Love seeing the sunshine, it really cheers me up.

  4. Nick V.
    23 March 2016 / 20:03

    Beautiful shots, Claire. We are looking forward to Autumn and WInter Downunder. Happy Easter.Many thanks for participating in the Floral Friday Fotos meme.

  5. Rost och rädisor
    18 March 2016 / 05:30

    Great spring signs!Best regardsAnette

  6. Tom
    17 March 2016 / 23:43

    lovely crocus and a bee to boot

  7. Suza
    17 March 2016 / 20:43

    wonderful colours!best regardssusa

  8. Mascha
    17 March 2016 / 17:45

    A marvellous color flash!Have a joy in your day

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