Shoes Tied Properly!? First Rule Of Running

 Shoes Tied Properly!? First Rule Of Running. Hello friends, happy Sunday.

Today for My Sunday Photo post, I thought I would share a photo my husband took at Parkrun. Yes, that is me, tying up my shoelaces!! Half way into a Parkrun 5km race. Oh, the joys of running. 

Shoes Tied Properly!? First Rule Of Running

Shoes Tied Properly!? First Rule Of Running:

First rule of running I am sure would be, make sure your shoes are tied properly!?

My husband has always said to the kids for years and years when they are racing “Make sure your shoes are all tied up properly” You think after running for about 12 years I would have listened to him saying this, doh!!

 When your putting it all into Parkrun and realised 5 minutes into the race your shoe lace is undone!! 

Yep, my shoe laces came undone at Parkrun on Saturday. I am always telling my children to make sure their laces are tied too!! Forget to make sure mine are done up properly. I blame getting the dog, (oh bless Mollie) for rushing to get her ready to come with us.

Or rushing around looking for the Parkrun bar code with all of our names on.

Or getting the children already and out the door before it is too late.

Also, just that I rushed them on as usual and forgot to undo them and tied them again properly!! Haha!

My Daughter Won Me By 11 Secondly:

My daughter won me by 11 seconds too. If only I had tied my shoelaces properly. May I would have caught her? Maybe not!? I am getting slower and she is getting faster so we have a bit of friendly competition going on at the minute.

#Runningproblems #Tiedyourshoelacesproperlytoday? #Gettingslower #Slowestinmyhousenow #Thisgirlcan #Mumonamission #WhatdidyoudoonSaturday? #Notattheback

Even though I am the slowest running in my house I am not going to stop trying to go faster. I have a PB of 6minutes quicker than this time. I am on a mission to get back there one day. So, I must remember to make sure my laces are all tied up first, ha!!

So do you enjoy running? If so, have you ever ran at race and had to stop, move to the side and tie your shoe lace up again? 

 Linking up with My Sunday Photo: Shoes Tied Properly?

Thank you so much for stopping by here today.

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Shoes Tied Properly!? First Rule Of Running:
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Stella Olojola
    20 December 2016 / 08:10

    I never get my laces right. They always come undone. Don't know why, lol. Have a lovely Christmas.

  2. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    19 December 2016 / 03:38

    Oh no! You won't let that happen again!

  3. ana de jesus
    18 December 2016 / 15:12

    Haha that's me down to a T. My laces always come undone I don't know why.

  4. Coombe Mill
    18 December 2016 / 11:53

    Classic rookie error! Well done none the less.

  5. OneDad3Girls
    18 December 2016 / 10:47

    Ooops, I bet she reminded you of it many times. Have a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for linking up and supporting My Sunday Photo this year.

  6. sherry from sherrys pickings
    18 December 2016 / 08:34

    looks like hard work:). have a great xmas.

  7. 18 December 2016 / 07:26

    Ha ha, whoops! You could easily have beaten or kept up with her if it wasn't for your shoes! I was two seconds outside my PB yesterday. I just don't seem to be able to beat it!

  8. Tamar SB
    17 December 2016 / 23:04

    The worst! Bet you'll lap her next time!

    • 18 December 2016 / 08:25

      Thanks Tamar, I need to get fitter as she is improving loads at the minute 🙂

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