Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations. Hello friends. So how are you?

Today I did a blog post match up with Not Another Mummy Blog?. I wrote a blog post about running, how it has changed me and how I went from a size 16 to the smallest I’ve been since the age of 11!!

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations:

Size 16 above when I had my 4 children. Now a size 10. Also I am sharing what I think of running as a mum of 4.

Please pop over and take a look at the post, Run-Mummy-Run.

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To

Let me know your thought!? Also Alison has guest posted here: Block Out Beckham And Ditch The Scales. Admit it. You’re just waiting for that first photo of Victoria Beckham post-birth, looking fabulously slim, despite it being mere days/weeks since she delivered baby Harper Seven via c-section. It’s inevitable, and so are the ‘GOD, how does she DO it?’ comments, from us. Block Out Beckham And Ditch The Scales.

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations.

Some More Posts That Might Be Of Interest:

Firstly, Runstreak: Week Two, Day Seven: Keep On Running. The Goal: To fit into this beautiful red dress again without looking like a sack of potatoes all squashed together. Believe me, you do not want to see a photo of me trying to squeeze into this dress at the minute and all out of breath and stressed when I’m in it!! Ha, ha! Runstreak: Week Two, Day Seven: Keep On Running.

Secondly, Back Out Running: The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link Up! Happy Wednesday Friends. Thanks so much for joining us today for The Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday Link Up! How is your week going so far? Any photos to share with us today? Back Out Running: The Wordless Or Not So Wordless Wednesday Link Up!

Thirdly, Top Fitness Tips For The Winter. Hello. Happy Thursday. Today I am sharing some top fitness tips for the winter by double world champion British rower and personal fitness trainer Toby Garbett. Top Fitness Tips For The Winter: Keep On Running.

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations:

A Few More Posts:

Fourthly, Gel Glorify Asics Exclusive At Intersport. Last week I got some very exciting news from The Running Bug. From the PR who organised the reviews, that I have been chosen to be one of the Asics Ambassadors for the August #PoundTheRoad campaign too. Gel Glorify Asics Exclusive At Intersport.

Fifth, Zaggora Hot Pant Capri Review. I am a big fan of Zaggora products, they are my favourite way of losing a few pounds quickly by sweating away the excess weight. I had previously reviewed the hotpant 2.0 in September and I loved them, but over the winter I’ve not been wearing the hotpants as they were just a little short to keep me warm with all the cold weather we had. Zaggora Hot Pant Capri Review.

Sixth, Karrimor Ambassador. If you follow me on Twitter, you will already have heard? I was really lucky to be chosen by Karrimor to be one of their ambassadors. This means I get to try out and review some of the Karrimor range. How cool!? Karrimor Ambassador.

Run Mummy Run: Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations.
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Peg
    21 July 2011 / 19:50

    Thank you for stopping by Whats new Peg. I hope you succeed with the nail art, I'd love to see it.Also a massive congrats with your running and your dress size loss. :)x

  2. Danielle
    21 July 2011 / 19:42

    Thanks for stopping by Life With Two Boys.. I'm following back 🙂

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