Royal Robin Redbreast

Royal Robin Redbreast

Happy Wednesday Friends. Thanks so much for joining us today for The Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday Link Up!

Today is also Lemon Meringue Pie Day. How yummy. I love Lemon Meringue Pie and have not had it in ages. I must have a look for some after I take my Daughter to have her coeliac and vitamin D checked at the hospital later.

What photos have you been taking this week?

Would you like to share some here with us?

Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018
Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018

1.) Royal Robin Redbreast Carrington Street, Nottingham #hoodwinked2018 

We followed some of the Nottingham Hoodwinked trails yesterday. This is the first one on Carrington Street, just outside the train station. Royal Robin Redbreast. We had done a few before but wanted to start again, at the beginning and get them all. Another thing we are going to do after the hospital appointment, look for some more hoodwinked’s.

Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018

What I Wore:

  • Kimono: Yumi
  • Dress: George At Adsa
  • Sandals: c/o New Look

Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018 #WordlessWednesdayLinkUp. 

Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018

The Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop guidelines:

Royal Robin Redbreast #hoodwinked2018

Please link up any posts with photos in them.

These posts can be wordless or not so wordless.

Please only link up family-friendly photo posts!

Please link back to The Wednesday blog Hop party in your posts to spread the word of this party.  You can either link back or grab a The Wednesday Blog Hop widget from my blog hop page.

Share some midweek blog fun and please try to stop by a few of the blogs that have linked up here today.

Please tweet me any links you have add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the  #Wednesdaybloghop hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

It would be great if you would follow along on any social media channels in some way? Let me know if you decided to,  so I can follow you back.

Now over to you, what have you been snapping away at this week?

Are You Looking For Any Cake Recipe?

How About Trying One Of These?

Monty Bojangles Choccy Scoffy Brownies.

Monty Bojangles Ruby Fruit Sunday Semifreddo.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:28

      Aww, thank you Lisa 🙂

  1. 16 August 2018 / 04:03

    Very beautiful. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful rest of the week.

    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:28

      Thanks for stopping by and joining us Patrick 🙂

  2. handmadejewelryhaven
    16 August 2018 / 01:23

    He does seem to be a noble red robin, doesn’t he?
    Thanks for sharing!

    – Lisa

    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:24

      Thanks for linking up Lisa 🙂

  3. 16 August 2018 / 01:02

    Those robins are all so cute! I love the way the ruby one just sparkles.

    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:22

      I love this sparkly one too 🙂 Thanks for linking up.

  4. Cheryl Shops
    15 August 2018 / 21:13

    I already commented on your Instagram, but I love that color blue on you, Claire—it’s so flattering!
    Cheryl Shops

    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:21

      Aww, thank you Cheryl 🙂

  5. mummabstylish
    15 August 2018 / 20:31

    Awe, hope all went well Claire, I have a really similar dress, only trouble is I can’t get into it now!!! I will have to start that diet! Happy Wednesday Hun. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:18

      Aww Jacqui, I know that feeling 🙁

  6. Oh My Heartsie Girl
    15 August 2018 / 18:42

    Aww I just discovered that until I accept cookies, it would not let me comment.
    I love your dress, such a beautiful color on you!! Love the mosaic too, amazing artists!!!
    Be sure to stop by and share on #omhgww this week!

    • Claire
      20 August 2018 / 21:17

      Thanks for hosting and stopping by Karren. Hope you can join me today 🙂

  7. 15 August 2018 / 18:03

    What a pretty bird!
    I love lemon meringue pie!

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:38

      Thanks Veronica 🙂

  8. passion fruit, paws and peonies
    15 August 2018 / 16:14

    It’s lemon meringue day? Fantastic!! xx

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:36

      I love lemon meringue, then again, I love all cake 🙂

  9. 15 August 2018 / 15:10

    Do I spot a kimono there? You should have participated in our serie of today!

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:35

      Thanks Nancy, how do I join?

      • 16 August 2018 / 15:46

        You can join us next month with summer dresses. You can find all details in yesterday’s post!

  10. stinedurfdl
    15 August 2018 / 14:53

    That is so gorgeous! And I love the dress…that shade of blue is beautiful on you!

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:35

      Aww, thank you Debbie 🙂

  11. 15 August 2018 / 14:17

    That bird is so pretty! I love the red color!

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:33

      Thanks for stopping by Alissa 🙂

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:18

      Thanks Tamar. They are so interesting to see 🙂

  12. 15 August 2018 / 08:55

    Someone had a lot of patience creating that robin! The dress is gorgeous Claire. xx

    • Claire
      15 August 2018 / 18:10

      They did, didn’t the Laurie. Thanks for linking up 🙂

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