Red Fruit And Brioche Bread And Butter Pudding. Hello friends, so how are you today?
Red Fruit And Brioche Bread And Butter Pudding anyone?
Red fruit and brioche bread and butter pudding. We’ve used a mix of dried summer berries in this pudding – you’ll find them in the baking section of most supermarkets.
They’re a mix of dried cranberries, cherries and blueberries. If you prefer though, you could use raisins or sultanas instead.
How Too Make Red Fruit And Brioche Bread And Butter Pudding:
Preparation time: 25 mins + soaking time
Cooking time: 35-40 mins
Serves 8
100g dried summer berries
100ml Belvoir Blueberry & Blackcurrant Cordial
300ml whole milk
300ml double cream
3 large eggs
50g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
7 slices brioche loaf
50g soft butter
a little Demerara sugar to sprinkle
Equipment: 1.2ltrl/21/2pt ovenproof dish.
How To Make Red Fruit And Brioche Bread And Butter Pudding:
1. Firstly, place the dried fruits in a small bowl, pour over the cordial and stir well. Cover and leave to soak for at least 30 mins, longer if time allows.
2. Preheat the oven to 180oC/Fan 160oC/Gas Mark 4. Fill and boil the kettle. Butter a 1.2ltrl/21/2pt ovenproof dish.
3. Pour the milk and cream into a pan and bring to the boil. In a large jug, beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla together. Pour the hot milk over the egg mixture and mix well. Set aside.
4. Spread the brioche slices with butter then cut them in half diagonally. Place 4 triangles on the base of the dish and scatter over half the fruit. Arrange the remaining brioche slices on top, making a neat pattern. Scatter over the remaining soaked fruits and any juices.
5. Pour the egg mixture over the brioche and press down the bread so that it soaks up some of the liquid. Transfer the dish to a roasting tin and pour boiling water from the kettle to come half way up the outside of the dish. Sprinkle over the Demerara over the top of the pudding.
6. Bake for 35-40mins or until the top is golden. Leave to cool for 10 mins before serving warm or cold with pouring cream.
Red Fruit And Brioche Bread And Butter Pudding. Recipe c/o Belvoir Fruit Farms.
So what do you think of this Red Fruit And Brioche Bread And Butter Pudding?
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