Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano

This post is commissioned for Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese.

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese. Happy Tuesday friends, so how are you today?

This week I have also teamed up with Parmigiano Reggiano to share some of our favourite cheese inspired recipes. Through-out the week I will be sharing some of our favourite recipes using Parmigiano Reggiano cheese. So how tasty!?

Reggiano Cheese
Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

One meal we all love and can agree on is spaghetti Bolognese. We also love to mix it up by adding different vegetables to the sauces, a variety of pasta and changing what kind of cheese we sprinkle on top. No two pasta dishes are ever the same. So tasty.

Even though we try lots of different variations one constant remains the sprinkled cheese. No cheese No pasta. Simples!!

It is always great to know that with just a few staple ingredients a quick and tasty Dinner can be sorted.


Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese:

So today I am sharing our favourite Pasta Bolognese recipe using Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese.

When I met my Husband over 25 years ago, the first meal he ever made me was pasta Bolognese. I remember thinking what’s this. I had never heard of it before ( I led a sheltered life!!!) Nowadays it is a meal we all eat weekly. The recipe has changed a bit over the years. At the minute we are all loving extra courgettes also a generous sprinkling of Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese.


How To Make Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese:

Serves 4


  • 1-2 tbsp of Olive oil
  • 2 medium red onions, peeled and chopped
  • 2 courgettes, about 500g slice into big pieces and diced into quarters
  • 500g minced beef
  • 2x 400g tins of Italian plum tomatoes
  • 100ml Of beef gravy granules made up
  • 3 Tablespoons of tomato puree
  • 1 Tbsp mixed herbs
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper
  • 500g of dried pasta, cooked
  • 80g-100g Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese, grated
Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese


Step One:

Firstly, peel and chop the red onions. Fry them gently in a big frying pan for about 3-4 minutes to soften them. Add the minced beef and fry for around 8-10 minutes until all the beef has browned.

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Step Two:

Secondly, wash and cut the ends off the courgettes, then slice thickly. Chop each slice into 4 and set aside for a few minutes. Make 100ml of gravy up. Drain the fat from the now browned mince.

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Step Three:

Thirdly, add the courgettes, tinned tomatoes, already made up gravy, tomato puree, mixed herbs, salt and pepper. Bring the pan of ingredients to the boil then simmer for around 40 minutes. Stirring regularly.

Step Four:

Fourthly, plan to have your pasta cooked by the time the Bolognese is cooked. With around 15-20 minutes also left on the mix, start preparing your pasta.

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Step Five:

Once everything is cooked, drain your pasta, then mix both the pasta and bolognese sauce together in a big bowl. Transfer your pasta into four pasta bowls. Sprinkle the grated Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese over each bowl.

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Step Six:

Serve warm and enjoy it with your favourite red wine or drink of choice!!. Warm crusty bread with extra butter is also a very nice accompaniment to the meal. Mmmm…

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

We sprinkled Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, known as the King of Cheeses, on top of our meal and it tasted great.

This is one of the world’s oldest and richest cheeses. Did you also know it is still produced today as it was nine centuries ago?

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese:

This cheese has a long ageing period is fundamental in building the aromas and texture of Parmigiano Reggiano. Such complexity is achieved in a totally natural way, without any additives, making Parmigiano Reggiano 100% natural, easy to digest and high in calcium.

So have you ever tried Parmigiano Reggiano before? If so, what do you also like to eat it with?


Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese. So what do you think?

Thanks you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post.

About this post: This post is commissioned for Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese but as always, all thoughts are my own.

Pasta Bolognese With Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

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Red Wine
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Anonymous
    13 December 2017 / 18:03

    Oh yes please. This looks delicious and tasty.

  2. Kel @ School Runs & Shopping Trolleys
    12 December 2017 / 14:43

    Spag bol has been a staple in our family forever! Not tried courgette in it though, so will have to give that a go. And we HAVE to have cheese too! I like parmigiano in my risotto. #MMBC

  3. Miz Helen
    10 December 2017 / 15:26

    We love Parmigiano and your Bolognese looks delicious! Hope you have a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday.Miz Helen

  4. Taslyn Matina
    10 December 2017 / 00:29

    Love pasta bolognese and parmesan your pictures look so yummy!

  5. Stephanie Moore
    7 December 2017 / 23:00

    Oh this sounds very yummy, I will pin for future reference

  6. Emily Leary, A Mummy Too
    7 December 2017 / 22:43

    Looks super tasty, a good cheese can make such a difference with pasta! I love your tableware too by the way!

  7. Stella Olojola
    6 December 2017 / 19:18

    What a yummy looking recipe. Will love to try this.

  8. Actually Mummy...
    6 December 2017 / 16:05

    We're the same, my kids will always ask for cheese on any kind of pasta. You've got me craving a bolognese now!

  9. Zena's Suitcase
    6 December 2017 / 15:48

    This is one of our favourite family meals, and we have it in our house at least once a week. Will have to get some of the cheese to go with it I think

  10. Kara Guppy
    6 December 2017 / 10:16

    We are big fans of pasta bolognese – your receipe looks delicious

  11. Anosa
    6 December 2017 / 02:00

    Ohh, what an unforgettable bolognese, haha I guess cooking this would really bring you memories about your hubby.

  12. Five Little Doves
    5 December 2017 / 23:04

    Ooh lovely! I love Bolognese, it's one of my favourite things to cook and also to eat!

  13. Eb Gargano
    5 December 2017 / 20:34

    Wow – that is a sheltered life!! I remember first discovering curry at the age of 21 and sushi a little later…my parents weren't very adventurous with food when I was little…but they did at least make bolognese (though a very 'English' version!!) I love parmesan…sprinkled over food, stirred into food… or just on it's own as a snack. It's definitely one of my favourite cheeses. Thanks for linking this up to #CookBlogShare, it's lovely to have you join us! Eb x

    • 6 December 2017 / 21:30

      Hehe:) I did meet my Husband over 26 ears ago though so pasta was not as popular as it is now.

  14. Newcastle Family Life
    5 December 2017 / 19:24

    This looks and sounds delicious, I will have to try Parmigiano x

  15. Helen J
    5 December 2017 / 16:00

    This looks delicious – I love that you don't have to have much parmigiano to get a good amount of flavour 🙂

  16. Sonia Cave
    5 December 2017 / 12:12

    Oh I adore cheese and this recipe looks very tasty

  17. Priya Joshi
    5 December 2017 / 11:43

    mmm I love parmesan! and love that you added courgette for an extra portion of veges too! #cookblogshare

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