Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream. Hello friends, so how are you today?

Afternoon treat, anyone?

So do you fancy making some yummy pancakes, today?

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream.

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream:

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream.


  • 50g caster sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 200g Flour
  • 600ml milk
  •  50g butter melted
  • pinch of salt
  • 150g strawberries/raspberries
  • Kelly’s of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream
  • few fresh mixed fruits
Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream


  1. Firstly, gently simmer 150g strawberries/raspberries until soft. Allow the mixture to cool and press into a sieve over a bowl to remove seeds and pulp. Leave in the fridge to completely cool.
  2. In a large mixing bowl or food processer, sieve the flour and salt together, add the eggs, then the sugar and milk. 
  3. Beat together with the melted butter for a minute until the batter is thick enough to pour.
  4. Melt a knob of butter in a non stick frying pan and heat on a moderate flame. Use a ladle to pour out a little batter into the pan, and cook each pancake for about a minute on each side. 
  5. Test your flipping skills, or alternatively use a spatula.
  6. Have ready a warm plate in the oven to place the finished pancakes to keep warm, dusting each with a little caster sugar.
  7. Last but not least, drizzle the coulis over the pancakes and finish with a scoop of Kelly’s of Cornwall Clotted Cream and Blackcurrant Ice Cream and fruit.

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall:

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall Clotted Cream & Blackcurrant Ice Cream.

Recipe and photo Credits-  Kellys Of Cornwall. So what do you think? Do you also fancy trying this pancake recipe? Because I do!!

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Get the Recipe Here: BerryWorld Fruity Meringues. So sweet.

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall:

Pancakes With Fruit Coulis And Kelly’s Of Cornwall:

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Kala
    21 February 2012 / 07:28

    What a gorgeous photo – I would never think of ice cream with pancakes – but this looks and sounds so good!

  2. 20 February 2012 / 12:49

    Thanks i-lostinausten. Don’t you just love pancakes?

  3. 20 February 2012 / 12:49

    Thanks for the comment Elpiniki credits to kellys of Cornwall. Love pancakes.

  4. i- lostinausten
    19 February 2012 / 19:56

    Lovely post! I love fresh fruits with pancakes. I bet it's even better with ice-cream. Looks really YUMMY!

  5. Elpiniki
    19 February 2012 / 13:49

    A M A Z I N G presentation! Looks really… tempting!

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