National Pet Day With My Mollie The Border Collie!! Hello friends, so how are you today? Happy National Pet Day, too!!
Can you believe My beautiful doggie Mollie is nearly two years old!?
How time flies!! (Talking of time flying it is my youngest son’s birthday today too. I can’t believe he has turned 14).

National Pet Day With My Mollie The Border Collie!!
It only feels like month’s ago that we brought her into our lives and not years ago. I remember carrying her into our home, in one hand and promised to look after her and care for her forever. She was so beautiful, and still is 🙂
Here is a flashback of the first full day Mollie came to live with us:
How little and cute was she!? So small and sweet. She followed me everywhere and still does, come to think of it. She wasn’t too impressed wearing a collar at first.
Getting her to walk on a lead was a challenge. Then again it still is.
She is car mad and spins everything one goes by. Trying to round it up with the sheepdog instincts in her. She settled in straight away and loves playing ball or frisbee.
Her little button nose looks so sweet hehe 🙂

National Pet Day With My Mollie The Border Collie!!
Mollie was only 8 weeks old in these pictures in June 2015. Just eight weeks old lol. Adorable then and even more adorable now!!
Don’t get me wrong, she has her faults. Spinning around like mad trying to round up the cars being her biggest one!!
As long as she gets at least 2 x 1 hour walks a day she is OK. If not, she will follow me around the house all day until I take her.
We try to take her first thing, then everyone is happy!!
Mollie going all camera shy, haha!!
National Pet Day. Do you have any pets? Are you a dog lover or do you prefer cats? Or do you like them both the same?
I used to have a cat when I was growing up. Her name was Hollie and she was black and white just like Mollie too.
National Pet Day With My Mollie The Border Collie!!
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We have two cats. I used to have a dog but not any more. I really do miss her sometimes but we are too busy to care for one properly right now. Maybe when I retire I might think about having another oneMollyx
Mollie is a gorgeous girl. They grow so fast, hey? I'm more of a cat person, but I love my pup too. We have 3 cats and 1 dog (a beagle), plus a ton of fish. It's a busy home!
Molly is a beautiful young lady. We've had our new pup (cocker spaniel) for about four weeks now. I can sooo relate to the collar thing. Lucy is still not a big fan of her kennel, but it's getting much better. She is doing great with the leash & harness. Pups are just the best adventure ever. Have a blessed week.
So cute!
Aww, thanks Christina 🙂
I had forgotten how small Mollie was and so cute heheh! she has grown so much and looks so contented :-)We had a dog when I was still at my parents called Tessie she was lovely, I have only had cats over time when the last one I had Thomas passed I didn't want to go through losing another one so haven't had one since :-(Have a mollietastic week Claire 🙂
Aww I can imagine Steve. I never wanted another dog after I lost Sadie. But then after about 18 years we got Mollie..
Love love love your Mollie and yes we have 7 dogs!
Thanks Teresa, aww 7. I bet they keep you busy 🙂
Mollie was so little!!
Thanks Tamar, I had forgotten how small she was!!
We don't have any pets so I enjoy reading about other's pet adventures. Mollie was SO cute (and still is)!
Hehe, thanks Heather :):)