Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper.

Mollie The Elf!! Happy Monday. So how was your weekend? I had a nice relaxing weekend after a busy week at work and feeling more refreshed today.

Mollie The Elf: Christmas Jumpers For Dogs

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper:

Also, I am feeling more positive this week and hoping it is going to be a good week.

Mollie has her operation on Thursday and I am praying everything goes OK and she makes a speedy recovery.

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper

I know she will not be wearing her Christmas jumper this year because it will pull around her stomach when she will be having her operation.

So I am sharing again, how sweet she looked last year in it. #Adorable

Mollie The Elf: Christmas Jumpers For Dogs

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper:

I love doing this mini photo-shoot with her but she did move around a lot so some photos are a little bit blurry!!

Would you buy your dog a Christmas jumper?

I love Christmas jumpers and Mollie looks adorable in hers!! Do you agree?

Dog Christmas Jumper: Tu Clothing.

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper:

Do you have any pets and do they wear Christmas jumpers?

Mollie The Elf: Christmas Jumpers For Dogs

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Christmas Jumpers For Dogs

A Walk Up Kinder Scout With Mollie The Border Collie:

Last but not least, Kinder Scout part of the moor and it is 636 metres above sea level. It is also the highest point in the Peak District. The highest point in Derbyshire, and the highest point in the East Midlands. So a walk to the top was now called for!! A Walk Up Kinder Scout With Mollie The Border Collie.

Mollie The Elf!! In Her Adorable Christmas Jumper

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Christmas Jumpers For Dogs

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Christmas Jumpers For Dogs

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Paula Short
    24 November 2020 / 01:51

    Absolutely love molly’s jumper. yes, I have a beagle and she has a penguin jumper with hood.
    Visit from Inspire Me Monday #1

  2. Monika Ohson | TravelerInMe
    21 November 2020 / 09:12

    That’s a perfect jumper! Molly the Elf seems to be happy wearing it 🙂

  3. Dee | Grammy's Grid
    20 November 2020 / 01:25

    How cute! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 34 for All Things Christmas.

  4. image-in-ing: weekly photo linkup
    16 November 2020 / 17:39

    Mollie’s outfit is adorable!
    Thank you for joining us this week.

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