Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle. Hello friends, happy Monday. So how are you today? All good, I hope.

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle:

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle. No blue Monday here as I love Mondays.

I have every Monday off work, so I look forward to it. Especially when it was my weekend to work.

I have been a bit quiet here and over on Instagram just lately. This is because I have been feeling a bit down. Sad as it was approaching my father’s 1 year anniversary of his death.

The sadness is always there but the thing’s like this just highlight it. You know how much I miss Mollie The Border Collie too.

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle:

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle. They say dogs have a way of finding people who need them. On Thursday, the 1st anniversary of my dad’s death, this beautiful boy came into our lives.

We have been looking for a dog for a while now but nothing ever felt right, until Murphy came along. We first had to find a dog that we all agreed on. I wanted a bigger dog like a Golden Retriever and my husband like the idea of a smaller dog liked a Cavapoo.

Then this beautiful boy came along and it was one of those adverts we kept going back to, hoping he would not go before we had the time to go and see him. Lucky for us he didn’t.

We named him Murphy after my father and we love him to bits. Here he is around 9 weeks old here as these photos were taken as soon as we got home. He looks huge in the photo as they are close up. But he is not, he is small. It’s his curls that make him look big.

Bless him, he will need more hair cuts than me! I love spending time with him and he is so funny to watch. He has his little moments where he runs around the garden or does a cute little bark when you run with him.


Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle:

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle. If you love dogs, why not follow Murphy along on Instagram?

Relevant Posts:

Firstly, Rest In Peace Dad, We Love You So Much… In a few days, I celebrate 10 years of blogging and have blogged, most days of the last 10 years, too!! If you do not follow me on social media, here is the reason why I have not posted lately.

10 days ago, I lost my wonderful, funny, caring father. I am now starting to cope but still can not get my head around that is has gone. Last week is a blur. This week is a blur. Also, I’m sure next week will be a blur too.

I am a big believer in trying to post happy things, the yummy things on the blog, or fun things to make people smile but sometimes life gets too real.

I’m just letting you know this is why I have not been around here for a while. I am now feeling that I can hide my grief and go back to posting happier things, again.

Secondly, The Last Chapter: Mollie The Border Collie. It is with a heavy heart, I let you know that Mollie The Border Collie has died. I am heartbroken as I loved her so much. We were best friends and spent hours together every day of her life.

As if my life hasn’t been bad enough with losing my dad in January, I now have to deal with losing my fur baby. When we first brought her home, she was so tiny at just eight weeks Mollie The Collie: Puppy Diaries. We have had such a great journey together and she was one loved dog.

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle:

Meet Murphy The Gorgeous Goldendoodle. So what do you think of Murphy? We all love him so much. He is such a bundle of joy. And such a good sleeper at night. Which is a relief! I have never met such a laid-back dog. He loves to be close to us and follows us around, wherever we go. He is sleeping Next to me now, as I type.

Thank you so much for stopping by.

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Freddie is my mum’s puppy and Mollie is my beautiful dog. Freddie loves to play and run around with Mollie. But Mollie is used to being the only one. Spoilt springs to mind!! My mum is in my bubble so we can go to see them. What a fun combination when they do get to meet!

5 Fun Dog Quotes To Start Your Weekend. If this photo doesn’t put a smile on your face today, nothing will. I adore this little fella.

Firstly,  ‘A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.’- Josh Billings

Secondly, Dogs have a way of finding the people who need them, filling an emptiness we don’t even know we have- Thom Jones.

Thirdly, ‘Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.’-Roger Caras.

Getting Prepared For A Puppy!! Also What I’ve Worn Lately:

Hello friends. Guess what!? We have decided to have a new baby!! But not another baby, baby! A fur baby. To love and look after. How exciting!?

We have been buying a few essentials as we have set our minds on having a doggy, so we need to get things ready. 

Making a Decision And Sticking To It: Over the last few months, we have been talking about getting a puppy. It feels like every hour of every day someone mention puppies. We have decided up to yet we are having a girl dog and going to call her Mollie!

Most importantly, we need to decide on a dog we will all love. Getting Prepared For A Puppy!!

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 10 February 2022 / 16:53

    CONGRATS Claire – I could not be more happier for you! We are CELEBRATING you and Murphy this week at Friendship Friday – your joy is our joy! xoxo

    • 13 March 2022 / 08:24

      Thank you so much for your feature. Such a great piece.

  2. 25 January 2022 / 12:47

    Hello Murphy! What an adorable pup! So happy for you!


  3. 24 January 2022 / 21:52

    I Murphy is so cute and adorable. I wish you a lot of happiness with this new dog Claire!

    • 29 January 2022 / 05:56

      Thanks so much Julie, he makes me laugh so much.

  4. 24 January 2022 / 19:14

    Sending love and hugs. It sounds like Murphy has came into your life at the right time. What a cutie x

  5. 24 January 2022 / 14:38

    Hi Claire!
    You know I LOVE dogs! If I won the lotto, I would be starting up a Dog Rescue as my own business. Hubby has allergies, so..
    I loved reading about Mollie, and am sorry to hear about your Dad. I have been feeling a bit gloomy as well, my Dad passed 6 yrs ago. I feel for you.
    You have the cutest names, and I love Murphy! Goldendoodles are so loveable and friendly, he is just adorable!! I look forward to hearing about his antics! Congrats! I love that you say, “Love him to bits”! I say that to Gibby and Truffy every day.
    jess xx

    • 29 January 2022 / 05:55

      Thank you so much Jess. I love dogs and it always upsets me when I read about stray dogs etc. I would take them all on too if I could.

  6. 24 January 2022 / 14:38

    Oh what a darling! That cute little dog will bring lots of happiness in your home!

  7. Heather
    24 January 2022 / 13:11

    Welcome Murphy. It was meant to be! He’s sooooooo cute! I can’t wait to see more of his adventures!

  8. 24 January 2022 / 10:57

    Oh my goodness, Claire, Murphy is just the cutest little ball of fluff and happiness, isn’t he?! How wonderful that he came into your life on the anniversary of your father’s death. And I love that you gave him your father’s name! That is such a beautiful tribute!


    • 24 January 2022 / 13:10

      Aww, thanks lovely. He is such a lovely dog and love him to bits xx

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