Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter

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Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter

 Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter. Hello friends, so how are you today?

We have been busy, busy over the last few days of the half term holidays. A unexpected visit from my son who is at uni, some fun days out and even a spot of gardening when the sun was out on Wednesday.

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Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter

Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter:

When we have been indoors we have not been short of things to do thanks to the boredom busting basket and family fun guide from Flora Buttery.

We had lots of fun making a puppet show. My daughter had lots of fun making a boy and a girl puppet. She named them after her 2 favourite teddy’s, Alex (the lion) and Nelly (the elephant).

Credits: A Puppet Show: By Flora Butter.

We all have a pile of odd socks. Give them a new lease of life by making sock puppets.

Time : 10 minutes.

Age: 3+.

What You Need:

Odd socks 

Buttons Glue 

Wool Cardboard or felt

What To Do:

1.) Find an old clean sock that’s long enough to go up your arm.

2.) Put your hand inside to make the basic mouth shape with your thumb and fingers.

3.) Sew on two buttons or glue on two circles for eyes.

4.) Now decide what other features to add; some wool hair, whiskers, eyelashes, a tongue? 

5.) Finally name your puppet and suggest the kids stage a puppet show.

Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter
With Flora Butter
Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter
crafting ideas

Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter

We also had lots of run playing with our sock puppets. So what do you think? Fun idea, isn’t it? So do you also fancy making some too?

About this post: We kindly got sent this Flora’s Family Fun Guide hamper to have some recipe and crafty fun over the half term holidays. All thoughts are our own and I was not paid for this post.

Making A Puppet Show: With Flora Butter

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Thank you so much for stopping by.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Margarett Murphy
    24 February 2015 / 17:47

    Arr these look cool.

  2. Purfylle
    23 February 2015 / 13:31

    Oh, I remember the awesome that is sock puppets. Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

  3. Leovi - La Fotografía Efectista Abstracta
    22 February 2015 / 11:19

    Beautiful, fun creativity!

  4. Winnie
    22 February 2015 / 08:47

    This cute post makes me wanna be a kid again 🙂

  5. Katherine Phillips
    21 February 2015 / 22:19

    I haven't made sock puppets in so long! Might have to do this with my little nieces and nephews.

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