Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

#Ad I’m working in a paid relationship with Highland Spring and BritMums on their #BravebyNature campaign.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature. Towards the end of the first week of the Summer holidays, I felt really poorly. For four days, I had a really bad headache, dizziness, and horrible sickly feeling.

Ad I’m working in a paid relationship with Highland Spring and BritMums on their #BravebyNature campaign.

My Husband blamed the fact that I had been rushing around, taking the children on days out, whilst not drinking much water. I am not too good at remembering to drink water at the best of times. Running around after the kids during school holidays even more so. ( Did you know someone of average size should drink around 9 cups a day?! I didn’t!! Obviously, seek the advice of an expert dietician for your own individual needs.)

I even stayed in a for a few days so I could rest and get better. I had to have afternoon naps to try and recover. Not forgetting to try and drink extra water to rehydrate.


Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature:

At last, I was feeling better, and time to start keeping hydrated in the future and back to exploring.

Highland Spring came to the rescue at just the right time, asking us if we would like to take part in the #BravebyNature Campaign. They sent up a pallet of water to keep us hydrated through the Summer Holidays.

Highland Spring

How could I forget to drink more water now!?

{Above is a video on where we have been keeping hydrated this Summer} 

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring:

Whenever we have been out over the last few weeks we have been keeping hydrated by all carrying and drinking our own water. Days out check ✅ Running club; check ✅Bike ride, check ✅ long walks, check ✅. Whenever we go out for long periods of time we have been taking a bottle of water with us, to keep us all naturally hydrated, fit and well, because when we’re all fresh, we let nothing get in our way!


All set for a day out in Bakewell. We did not need a packed lunch as we always enjoy their fish and chips. We did need to take some water with us for the car journey, long walk, and ride home.

My Tips On Keeping Hydrated This Summer:

Tip One: When you wake up have a nice big glass of water to start the day. Then a cup of tea, coffee, or juice. Adding a slice of lemon to your water is a lovely way to start the day.

Tip Two: A cool bag is perfect for popping into the car for filling up cold bottles of water on car journeys. If you have an ice pack in here the water will stay nice and cold for a few hours until you need it.

Tip Three: If your are all on a day out get everyone to take a small bag with them so everyone can carry a bottle of water with them. Yes, even the children. I didn’t know that Highland Spring did so many different size bottles. Suitable for any thirst. Even my Daughter didn’t mind carrying the smaller bottles!

Tip Four: Always have some water handy when exercising. Especially on warm days. Nothing worse than needing a drink mid-workout.

Tip Five: Listen to your body. Ultimately you will know when you are thirsty. Never drink in excess.

Tip Six: Have a large glass of water before bed, especially if you have had any kind of alcohol that night. Make sure you have it an hour or so before bedtime though, or lots of trips to the toilet!


A Walk Around Bakewell:

We love it here.

We all drank some water when we parked up the car, then popped back to the car later to keep hydrated.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

The car park is just in the centre of town.

Nice and easy then, to keep popping back.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

Did you know that drinking just 300ml of water (slightly over half a small bottle of water) can boost attention by almost 25%?

Next stop, London.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

We took a few bottles each to London with us.

One for the train journey down and one to keep in our bags for when we were thirsty.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

A 20-minute bike ride ended up turning into a few hours.

Boy, I was so glad I had my water when we stopped halfway.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

Me and my youngest Son in London.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

My Daughter and I love to catch the train to Nottingham for our girly shopping trips.

We always take a bottle of water and some snacks to share on the journey.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

Having fun in Nottingham.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

Next up are a few trains to catch to meet my eldest Son in Leicester.

We all carried our own water with us.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

Spot my bottle of water in my bag?

We have plenty more days out planned and I am getting better at always taking water with us. No more dizziness for me!!

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

A packed up I made for all my boys to take to London to go and watch a football match.

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring: Brave By Nature

My Children love drinking water and it is their choice for school lunch boxes too.

Football sculpture

Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring:

Another day, and also, another trip to London. Without Mum this time. Look what photos they sent me!! Looks like so much fun.

About this post: Keeping Hydrated With Highland Spring. I’m working in a paid relationship with Highland Spring and BritMums on their #BravebyNature campaign, which highlights the benefits of hydration for children. Get additional advice and benefits of hydration for children on Highland Spring. As always all thoughts are my own.

Did You Read These Posts:

Firstly, Alice In Wonderland: The Wonderland Cafe.

Secondly, Bakewell Church: What I Wore: Over 40 Style.

Thanks so much for stopping by.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Kate Williams
    4 September 2017 / 06:52

    Starting the day with water is such a good idea – much better for you than coffee!

  2. 30 August 2017 / 21:09

    Looks like you had a great time in London – and so important to stay hydrated, something it's easy to overlook if not prepared, even though we know it's good for us. Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo

  3. Vicky @ The Motherhood
    30 August 2017 / 16:58

    Looks like you have had a great summer and its nice to hear that you are feeling better after keeping hydrated too! The photos are great and show you had a lovely time around London too.Vicky – Commenting on behalf of Britmums

  4. Someone's Mum
    27 August 2017 / 07:48

    Wow it looks like you have been keeping busy over the summer holidays. We have been trying to get the children to drink more water too, though mine are very small still.

  5. Kara Guppy
    25 August 2017 / 09:49

    Looks like you have had some fun days out over the summer. I always take chilled bottles of water with us too

  6. Mummy Gummie
    21 August 2017 / 18:55

    I'm really bad at remembering to drink water, definitely need to make it more habit. Great tips

  7. Mandi - Hex Mum Plus 1
    19 August 2017 / 20:52

    Brilliant tips, I am dreadful at remembering to drink enough water, but I know if I haven't as I get a really bad headache.

  8. 19 August 2017 / 11:18

    I am really bad at drinking enough water. I must try harder. #PoCoLo

  9. Elizabeth Rebecca
    18 August 2017 / 15:20

    Definitely good to take water wherever you go – I am so bad at forgetting though!

  10. Lindsey Burton-Harrison
    17 August 2017 / 19:08

    It is so important keeping hydrated throughout the day, especially on those busy days out with the family. x

  11. Lauretta at Home and Horizon
    17 August 2017 / 07:01

    This is certainly a thirst quencher. A must have especially when you're outdoors.

  12. Life Unexpected
    16 August 2017 / 20:38

    I love Highland Spring. I am such a water addict it's unreal. It's so important to drink it all the time. I love your tips for keeping hydrated. x

  13. Baby Isabella
    16 August 2017 / 19:33

    We're awful at drinking water as we find it dull, however my mummy is a massive fan of Highland Spring Sparkling water as she likes the fizz x Looks like a great whistle-stop tour of London x

  14. Blogging Mummy
    16 August 2017 / 19:08

    I am so bad at drinking water. I know how important it is to drink water and try to push myself by using a bottle with times on it. It does work to some extent! I love the picture with the footballs all stacks don top of each other.

    • 17 August 2017 / 06:54

      Thanks lovely, I am too but I keep trying to remember now 🙂

  15. Clair
    16 August 2017 / 11:44

    Your pale blue dress is gorgeous. Great tips, I tend to drink a lot of water but always end up running back and forth to the loo!

    • 16 August 2017 / 18:54

      Hehe, this is why sometimes I get dehydrated too I hate being out and not knowing where to go to the toilet!

  16. 16 August 2017 / 07:52

    Good girl on drinking the water – I'm very bad at this! Like you pleated skirt, been looking for one in the stores, but haven't found it yet – but I will. Hope you're enjoying the holidays now you're feeling better. x Jacqui

  17. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    16 August 2017 / 01:57

    These are fabulous photos!

  18. ana de jesus
    16 August 2017 / 01:21

    It is great that Highland is encouraging people to drink more water. I know that is something I need to work on!

  19. Our Fairytale Adventure
    15 August 2017 / 19:21

    We drink so much water in our house and go through so many bottles. Whenever I don't drink enough my skin goes really dry and I feel so exhausted. It's so important to stay hydrated.

    • 16 August 2017 / 18:19

      Yes, I feel really tired and worn out when I do not drink enough. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  20. Talya
    15 August 2017 / 12:49

    Some fab tips here! Keeping hydrated is so important I'm forever drinking water I feel awful if I haven't had my daily water quota. Really try to encourage my family to do the same too.

  21. Jude
    15 August 2017 / 12:12

    Keeping yourself hydrated is important and so I always keep enough supplies of juices and water with me.

  22. Tamar SB
    15 August 2017 / 10:19

    So important to stay hydrated!! I do better at school because I pack loads of bottles!

  23. Sophie's Nursery
    15 August 2017 / 07:08

    Great tips! Currently in my 1st trimester and the only thing I can drink is water without feeling ill so I could have done with a crate of this lol 😀 Keeping hydrated is so important x

    • 16 August 2017 / 18:16

      Thanks for the comment Sophie, whoo exciting time 🙂

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