How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes On Pancake Day

By Head Chef Steve Smith from Michelin Starred Bohemia.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes On Pancake Day.

How to Make the Ultimate Pancakes. By Head Chef Steve Smith from Michelin Starred Bohemia.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

Pancake Day is crêping up on us (Tuesday 13 February 2018) and with it comes excitement as well as pressure to make those perfect pancakes – golden on the outside and light and fluffy on the inside!

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

Head Chef Steve Smith from Michelin Starred Bohemia has got you covered as he has shared his tips on how to make the pancakes of dreams this Shrove Tuesday.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes:

1. Better Batter:

Ensure that you have good batter by keeping all of the ingredients at room temperature.

Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another.

Incorporate the two bowls of ingredients by making a well in the dry ingredients and pouring in the wet mixture.

Stir gently until all of the ingredients are combined and moist.

Don’t worry about the lumps in the batter! Once they are on the griddle they will cook out fine.

If you overwork the batter the pancakes will turn out tough and chewy.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

2. Rest The Batter:

It may be difficult to resist but it is crucial to allow the batter to rest for a minimum of five minutes.

This will give the gluten, which you have created from mixing the batter, time to relax and for the lumps in the batter to smooth out.

This will give the pancakes a thick consistency and they will turn out fluffier.

The rest period will give you time to clean up and prep your pancake toppings.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

3. Add Flavour:

If you are bored of your usual pancakes with lemon and sugar, add flavour into the batter instead. My favourite ingredients to add include spices, citrus zest, herbs, ginger, cinnamon, vanilla extract, chocolate chips, raisins, cheese or sweetcorn!

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

4. Make it Fun:

Make shapes with your pancakes by pouring the batter into a metal pastry cutter or mould.

Alternatively, you can pour the batter into a squeeze bottle and draw your design directly onto the pan.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

5. Keep Them Warm:

Pancakes are best enjoyed fresh from the pan, but if you do make a whole batch at once keep them warm by arranging them in a single layer on an oiled cooking rack.

Place them in a preheated oven at 80°C for a maximum of 15 minutes.

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes

How To Make The Ultimate Pancakes Tips courtesy of:

Head Chef Steve Smith from Michelin Starred Bohemia.

Bohemia Bar & Restaurant, Green Street, St. Helier, Jersey JE2 4UH, Channel Islands

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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By Head Chef Steve Smith from Michelin Starred Bohemia.


  1. Miz Helen
    11 February 2018 / 21:21

    What special pancakes for the special Love Day! Hope you are having a great day and thanks so much for sharing your awesome post with us at Full Plate Thursday.Come Back SoonMiz Helen

  2. Chippy White Cottage
    10 February 2018 / 16:54

    These look so yummy! I'm not so great at making pancakes.Happy Pink Saturday!Valentine Blessings,Rebecca

  3. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    8 February 2018 / 23:34

    I"m a little pancake challenged but I'm going to try some of these tips. I like your pancake "crepe" pun!

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