Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool

Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool. Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Happy Friday lovelies and welcome back to this week’s ‘Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop’. So how are you today?

Thank you so much for stopping by here again today and I hope you will link up and join in the fun. I can not wait to stop by and read the posts that you link up.

Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool

Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

I think Summer! We have had all kinds of weather here this week. Rain, cold, and sunshine. Grr, typical as the children are off school for Summer.

On Tuesday we also stayed in all day, going crazy with it pouring it down with rain. In the end, we decided to go out.

We ran a few miles to the train station, and another mile or so to running club, did a hill session and then waited 20 minutes for my husband to pick us up from work all in the pouring rain. We were soaked to the skin and I could not feel my arm for 30 minutes afterward.

All because my daughter wanted to see her friend at the running club! I would have happily locked myself in the house all day! But you can’t when the children are off school and bored, can you? Thing’s you do for the kids, eh!?

Hot, Hot Chocolate: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. On Wednesday and still raining,  we went out for the day on the train and I had a nice hot chocolate treat to warm me up.

Hot! Hot!
Oh, we got it!
Hot! Hot!
So, we got it!
Hot! Hot!
Yo, we got it!
Hot chocolate!
Here, we’ve only got one rule:
Never ever let it cool!
Keep it cookin in the pot,
You’ve got-
Hot choc-o-lat!- Polar Express.

I have to drink mine as hot as possible, so how about you?

So what is your favourite hot drink?

Yesterday it was beautiful, let’s just hope the nice weather sticks around a bit now!!

Onto today’s blog hop.

Do you also want to join us and some fun this weekend?

weekend link up

Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool:

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop Party Guidelines:

Link-up as many posts as you like onto the linky list below. You can also link up old or new blog posts. All family-friendly posts are welcome. Add a link straight to the blog posts that you would like to share here today.

Please also, kindly follow my blog on one or all of my social media channels below:

Twitter, Bloglovin, Google Plus, Instagram, or my Facebook-like page.

This way it will remind you to join one or all of my blog hop I host each Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Do not forget to let me know which way you follow and I will follow you back.

Tweet Me:

Also, tweet me your links over at @clairejustineo on Twitter using the hashtag #weekendbloghop and I will share your posts.

Please also pop the welcome to the weekend blog hop button into your posts or add a link back to the hop in your posts. This way other people will know you are joining the blog hop and can find the weekend blog hop and join in the fun too.

Find time to have some fun, hopping around all new blogs that have linked up this week, and finding new posts to read, blogs to comment on and new followers.

Try to stop by a few blogs and leave a comment after linking up and comment back if someone stops by, as it makes the blog hop much more fun 🙂 Because everyone loves comments.

Have a lovely weekend and we will also see you again on Monday for Creative Mondays Blog Hop and Wednesday for The Wednesday blog hop. This blog hop has now ended.

Did You See These Posts:

Firstly, Alice In Wonderland: The Wonderland Cafe. So much fun.

Secondly, Which Disney Princess Would You Be? I would so like to know!!

Thank you so much for stopping by. Do not forget you can also share your thoughts below.

Here We Only Have One Rule, Never Ever Let It Cool: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Nicole Michelle
    13 August 2017 / 01:25

    LOVE that shot of the hot chocolate! Following via @BeingTheWriter.

  2. Paula Rockwell
    12 August 2017 / 18:40

    Hi Claire! I hate being trapped in the house with the kids on a rainy day, but I agree hot chocolate is delicious when you're cold and wet. Thanks for hosting and for linking up with my party! This week you were #1!

  3. csuhpat1
    11 August 2017 / 14:49

    Hot chocolate does sound good. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    11 August 2017 / 11:57

    Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. 11 August 2017 / 12:29

    Hot chocolate makes me yearn for Fall, my favorite time of year! Have a fab weekend.Shelbee

  6. Tamar SB
    11 August 2017 / 10:18

    Yum!! I've gotten better at running in the rain – doing a half in a torrential downpour made me get over it haha

  7. 11 August 2017 / 09:04

    Love hot chocolate – it's very welcome on long walks in the winter! I have to let it cool down though. Have a lovely weekend!

  8. 11 August 2017 / 06:57

    That's one of my nicknames- Asbestos mouth! Mine has to be as hot as possible!Have a great weekend Claire. Fingers crossed for the weather xx

    • 13 August 2017 / 18:09

      Hehe, me too Laurie 🙂 Thanks for linking up.

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