HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!! Hello friends. “Kids and grown-ups love it so, the happy world of HARIBO” Haha!! This song always get’s in my head! Maybe because it is such a fun tune!!

Post Contains PR Sample.

Everyone knows this famous slogan, don’t they!? I must try and get this song out my head now, otherwise I will be singing it all day!

Anyway, do you love HARIBO Starmix as much as we do?

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

Which one is your favourite; favourites? So if you do, which one is your favourite?

Is it the Heart for someone you love? Maybe the  yummy Egg? Do you like to place the Ring on your fingers? Could it be the retro Cola Bottle? Or is the sweet little Bear your favourite?

All of them are great but could you pick out your favourite one? Because you only need one for your team.

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

For a limited time only, special packs of  HARIBO Starmix are inviting consumers to choose their favourite piece within HARIBO Starmix and join their team for a chance to win prizes inspired by their chosen piece.

There are over 4,000 prizes to be won including mugs, towels, sunglasses, key rings and shopper bags with 25 prizes being given out every day.

How cool!!

Team Egg Here!!

Team Egg Here!!

For me I am team Egg!! I love the eggs!! I always go straight for an egg first. What’s not to love about the eggs!? For one thing, they always stand out for me.

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

Join Your Team:

My husband is team all of them!! He said ” I can’t choose just one” Boring, ha!!

Youngest Son is team Egg! Just like his mum 🙂

Daughter is team Teddy and Cola Bottle! Teddy’s being her favourites because they are so cute.

I remember eating the cola bottles and biting the lid off them when I was a kid and pretending to drink them! Did you do this too?

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

How realistic is the egg key-ring!? I thought I dropped a sweet and reached out to eat it; LOL!

Team Egg Here!!

To find out more about how to join your team; visit them on Facebook here: Haribo UK.

More About Haribo: Hans Riegel Sr. founded Haribo, a German confectionery firm. It all started in the German town of Kessenich, near Bonn. The term “Haribo” is derived from Hans Riegel Bonn and is a syllabic abbreviation. In 1922, the business invented the first gummy candy, Gummibärchen, which are small gummy bears.

Team Egg Here!!

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

So thank you for stopping by here today. Will you be joining in the fun?

I was sent a sample of the prizes to review. All thoughts are my own. I was not paid for this post. Also thanks for supporting the brands that I work with.

Finally I hope you like this post?

If so why not follow along so you never miss a post? So remember you can also share your thoughts here too in the comments below.

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!

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Thank you so much for stopping by today.

HARIBO Starmix: Join Your Team: Team Egg Here!!
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Evelina
    20 June 2016 / 15:35

    Love love Haribos! Eating them while I type 🙂

  2. Stephanie Myers
    19 June 2016 / 21:02

    How cool! The eggs are my favourite, I love cola bottles too but hubs always eats those first haha

    • 20 June 2016 / 10:11

      Hehe, I have to be quick or mine eat them all before I know they have been opened!! thanks for stopping by 🙂

  3. Ickle Pickle
    19 June 2016 / 18:13

    Decisions decisions – the egg. With the heart a close second, and fizzy cola bottles are yummy! Yes, I do love Haribos! Kaz x

  4. Life is Knutts
    17 June 2016 / 17:32

    Yeah, Tangfastics are a bit of a love of mine…the Cherries are yummy!!! In these packs, the little bears are the best. I love sweeties…This sun glasses are a bit cool too! X

    • 17 June 2016 / 20:41

      Whoo yes I like them cherries!! Ha, my daughter took them as soon as she got in from school!!

  5. Charlotte tattersall
    17 June 2016 / 12:59

    We are big fans of Haribo in our house. I am also team egg #weekendbloghop

  6. Fiona
    17 June 2016 / 07:07

    I love Haribo. The eggs and hearts are my favourite 🙂

  7. Jessica Powell
    16 June 2016 / 21:03

    The rings are my fave. I'm loving their new ad campaign, they're very funny – and fingers crossed I will eventually win something in their daily comp! 🙂

  8. 16 June 2016 / 19:15

    You are never too old for a bag of Haribo and it is the rings for me x

  9. Margarett Murphy
    16 June 2016 / 17:03

    Who team Egg here too!

  10. Dean B
    16 June 2016 / 15:36

    Not a big fan of sweets, but my daughter loves them and yes, of course, she loves Haribo too, though I try not to give her too much 😉

  11. Hannah Brice
    16 June 2016 / 15:21

    I can't eat sweets but I've done a poll in my household and the winner is the fried egg!

  12. Joanna Victoria -x
    16 June 2016 / 13:45

    We love haribo especially star mix my favorite is the heart.

    • 16 June 2016 / 18:59

      Thanks for stopping by Joanna 🙂 Whoo the hearts are yummy…

  13. 16 June 2016 / 09:08

    It has to be the fizzy cola bottle for me :0)

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