Fruit Salad


My children love to eat their fruit. Especially if I cut it up ready to eat and put it in the fridge.

Then they can have some as and when they please.

The other day I made a nice and healthy fruit salad up so they could take some to school in their lunch boxes for after they have eaten their pasta lunch.

Pineapple, 2 different coloured grapes, kiwi’s and satsuma’s…





Serves 6 portions




  • 1 Lemon, juiced
  • 2 Kiw’s, peeled and sliced
  • 3 Clemintines, peeled and separated
  • 100g Black grapes, washed
  • 100g Green grapes, washed
  • 1 Pineapple, peeled, stalk removed and cut into chunks
  • 1 tsp Maple syrup



  1. In a big bowl put your juiced lemon add maple syrup and mix together.
  2. Prepare all your ingredients, peeled your pineapple, remove stalk, cut into chunks and add to bowl. Mix the lemon juice around it well.
  3. Add kiwi slices, separated clementines and both lots of washed grapes.
  4. Mix well and serve or store in a plastic fridge box with lid until needed.
  5. Keeps fresh for a few days.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Winnie
    14 January 2016 / 19:12

    Awesome salad!! It's colorful, healthy and super tasty!BTW in about 10 days we have a holiday that is called "Tu-B'Shvat and this is actually a "birthday" to the trees. So we all make food and desserts with fruits

  2. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    14 January 2016 / 16:43

    That looks so good! There's something special about fruit salad coming together like that!

  3. Tamar SB
    14 January 2016 / 10:07

    Mm tasty! I loved fresh fruit salad in my lunch as a student!

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