Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign

This is a commisioned post for the Femarelle® Taking Back Control campaign.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign. #TakingBackControl

{This is a commissioned post for the Femarelle® Taking Back Control campaign. All thoughts are my own}.

Hello friends. On Tuesday I had an early start when I set my alarm for 5 am to get ready for Brunch in London for the Femarelle®  launch event and to find out more about their Taking Back Control campaign.

The talk was hosted by early menopause survivor Michelle Heaton and Professor Andrea Genazzani. The Femarelle® #takingbackcontrol campaign is supported by Michelle and leading experts.

After an early morning drive into Nottingham, a couple of hours on the train to London and finally 15 minutes on the Tube I was at Tower Hill enjoying the sights and sounds of a rush hour London. I was feeling very excited to be invited along with everyone to the Ivy Tower Bridge.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.
Me and Michelle Heaton At The Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.

The event talked about how Femarelle® can help 75% of the 13 million UK women currently going through the menopause.

To be honest, before this week the menopause had not really crossed my mind. Something that you imagine is far away in your future. I think the menopause is something a lot of women put off learning and looking into. Believing ignorance is best. I have not been through it, so I don’t need to know about it was my attitude.

However, as a woman in my mid 40’s it really is something I should know about,  but it is a subject that is never talked about in social circles. This event has made me take ownership of the subject and after a bit of research, I was surprised at what changes your body can have with the menopause and all the things I have got to look forward too, Not… 

Eyes have been opened!

Read on to see how my day went.

What an amazing view from The Ivy Tower Bridge?

We were invited into The Tower View Private Room at The Ivy Tower Bridge on the first floor and the views were breathtaking.

Imagine seeing this view every morning!! I could get used to this.

Breakfast is served. I cannot resist pastries and these were so yummy.

Lovel My Smoothies. Now Which One To Pick?

Love smoothies but which one to pick? I chose the strawberry one, so yummy.

This tasted amazing!

This eggs benedict was truly amazing. I might have to visit again to take my Husband for breakfast sometime soon.

Over brunch, onto business Professor Andrea Genazzani talked about how your body changes over the menopause and how Femarelle® can help these side effects.  I did not realise the average woman in the UK starts to go through menopause between the ages of 48-52.

Some signs of Menopause:

Racing heart.

Hot flushes.

Mood swings.


Painful sex.

Lower sex drive.


Vaginal dryness and soreness.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.
Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign:

Here Is A Bit Of Information On TheFemarelle® Products Available:

There are three Femarelle® products available to support women from the ages of 40-70+:

* Femarelle® Rejuvenate designed with vitality in mind.

Contains Biotin which contributes to maintaining skin and hair. It can also support your normal energy levels:

o Biotin, which contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and to normal psychological function

o Biotin and Vitamin B2, which each contribute to the maintenance of normal skin and normal mucus membrane

o Vitamin B2, which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue and to normal energy yielding metabolism

* Femarelle® Recharge designed to help bring balance to your life. Contains Vitamin B6 which can help contribute to regulating hormones and in turn energy.

o Vitamin B6 contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity

o Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism

o Vitamin B6 contributes to normal psychological function

* Femarelle® Unstoppable designed with a focus on bones and muscle support. Contains Vitamin D which contributes to maintaining bones and muscle, so you stay unstoppable in later life.

o Vitamin D, which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and normal muscle function. UK Government recommends everyone over one year of age should consume 10mcg of Vitamin D daily.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.
Michelle Heaton

Michelle Heaton, the 38-year-old singer and author of ‘Hot Flush – Motherhood the Menopause and Me’, shared her own menopause story and is urging women to start taking back control from when they get their first symptoms.

Her story was very moving and I really enjoyed hearing about her take on the menopause. Someone in the public eye who shares less flattering stories about themselves with the media to help and advice others is inspirational. Thank you, Michelle.

Professor Andrea Genazzani is calling on all women to not suffer in silence and take back control of their lives. He talked about sex and the menopause, from how to enjoy intimacy due to loss of libido to vaginal dryness and how Femarelle can help you when you are going through the menopause.

Michelle Heaton supports Femarelle’s® ‘Taking Back Control’ campaign:

Former Liberty X singer, Michelle Heaton, is supporting a new campaign to help raise awareness of the estimated 13 million women in UK who are going through the menopause.

The 40-year-old is an early menopause survivor after having a double mastectomy and hysterectomy to reduce her risk of cancer and is now campaigning to inspire other women on how to tackle the challenges of the menopause head-on.

The TV presenter has now teamed up with Femarelle®, the only food supplement that has DT56a, an ingredient developed using soy derivatives.

Just two capsules a day of this vitamin-enriched supplement is used by women, whatever their life stage and now Femarelle® is launching its ‘Taking Back Control’ initiative aimed at helping women talk about the menopause and the products available to them.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.

Michelle Says “I have been taking Femarelle and have been delighted with the results I have seen myself, so it was the perfect opportunity when they asked me to support their new ‘Taking Back Control’ initiative,” 

“It’s all about encouraging women to be open about their experiences on how the menopause can affect you. I’m particularly keen to spread the message to younger women like myself in their forties who do not realise this could be the start of their menopause journey and there are things that they can do.”

Femarelle has been studied in nine clinical trials1, with the largest trial on over 2000 women.2 There are 13 million women in the UK who are currently going through the menopause3.

Femarelle® Taking Back Control Campaign.
Goodie Bags

I had a really good day at the Femarelle® Taking Back Control event and learned a lot about the menopause.

Femarelle® is a product I would be interested in trying out when I reach the menopause. Especially if I suffer all the symptoms. I do have a fear of taking tablets though so I would be interested to see if this range comes out in powder form!?

If you think you are going through the menopause yourself I would advise you to ask your GP for advice or speak to the pharmacist at the chemist to advise you if you are thinking of trying Femarelle®.  They will help you decide if you would like to take it with HRT or instead of.

To find out more about the Femarelle® Taking Back Control campaign and Michelle’s involvement visit Femarelle®  or follow them on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter @femarelleuk.

I would love for you to join the conversation and share your thoughts here in the comments below. If you have been through or are going through the menopause, have any handy tips passed down to you, please do share. I would really appreciate any advice and I am sure my readers would be grateful too. Let’s help each other get through this stage of our lives as easy and as stress-free as possible.

This is a commissioned post for the Femarelle® Taking Back Control campaign. All thoughts are my own.

You might also like to see some other health posts here: Health And Wellness.

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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This is a commisioned post for the Femarelle® Taking Back Control campaign.


  1. Sigrid Says Blog
    11 July 2018 / 01:36

    I am on the same boat. Btw, Michelle Heaton is already experiencing peri menopause?

    I am now taking evening primrose to ease the symptoms. Would love to try Femarelle.

    • Claire
      11 July 2018 / 20:40

      Thanks for stopping by. Yes but her’s was brought on early from everything she has been through 🙁

  2. Debbie-Dabble
    8 July 2018 / 20:46

    Love your dress!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!

    • Claire
      9 July 2018 / 05:53

      Thank you Debbie 🙂

  3. rawsonjl
    4 July 2018 / 11:09

    Sounds like a fun and informative day! You look lovely too by the way.

    • Claire
      4 July 2018 / 14:53

      Aww, thank you 🙂

  4. ChelseaMamma
    3 July 2018 / 11:31

    Sounds like a great event. I am in denial about the menopause but at 44, I know it’s not far off

    • Claire
      3 July 2018 / 14:03

      Thanks Kara, ha, me too 🙂

  5. 2 July 2018 / 19:08

    Femarelle® sounds absolutely fabulous! Thanks for all of the great information. Definitely something I will checking into further!

    • Claire
      3 July 2018 / 13:51

      Thank you Kim 🙂

  6. Clarice / Camping for Women
    2 July 2018 / 16:00

    I just shared this to a dear friend who’s going through this. Thank you for sharing. It is very helpful.

    • Claire
      2 July 2018 / 21:35

      Aww, thank you. Hope this post helps 🙂

  7. cleverlychanging
    2 July 2018 / 11:46

    Everyone ages, which is inevitable. But I like that products like these give us a game plan on how we can do it gracefully and with dignity.

    • Claire
      2 July 2018 / 21:35

      Thanks so much for stopping by and the comments 🙂

  8. cleverlychanging
    2 July 2018 / 11:45

    The event looks like it was a lovely experience. After turning 35 I’ve been more open to trying products that balance my hormones, but I think I wont need them for a few more years.

  9. Caroline Brandt
    2 July 2018 / 01:52

    Sounds like such a great product for women going through menopause! The event sounds like it was an amazing time as well! -Tonya Tardiff

    • Claire
      2 July 2018 / 05:42

      Aww, thanks. It was a great event 🙂

  10. 1 July 2018 / 23:13

    I swear sometimes I am perimonopausal but man, it’s hard to tell. I am glad that you are spreading awareness to others and that femarelle is there for woman!

    • Claire
      2 July 2018 / 05:41

      Thanks for stopping by Brandy 🙂

  11. 1 July 2018 / 21:11

    The menopause has not really crossed our minds, but this has definitely made my mummy more aware. Sounds like a great product x

    • Claire
      2 July 2018 / 05:40

      Thanks so much for joining the conversation 🙂

  12. simplysensationalfood
    1 July 2018 / 21:00

    What a lovely venue and great event. Femarelle sounds like a fantastic product for women approaching menopause and also those going through as its not a nice experience. It’s good to know that it finally awareness is being made to support women in these stage of life.

  13. 1 July 2018 / 18:42

    This looks like a really good event. The food and drink looks yummy. It’s great that there is something that women can take to help them through the menopause. My friend has it at he moment and is really struggling.

    • Claire
      2 July 2018 / 05:36

      Thanks for the comment Melanie 🙂

  14. toastycritic
    1 July 2018 / 17:03

    It’s kind of crazy she had the symptoms as early as 38. But I imagine its good to prepare for. Sounds like it was a great event and great meeting with so many other supportive women going through the same issues.

    • Claire
      1 July 2018 / 20:53

      Yes it was because she had a double mastectomy and hysterectomy to reduce her risk of cancer 🙁 bless her.

  15. 1 July 2018 / 06:53

    I am 40 now. I think about menopause but not so much to be honest. It’s great that we have tools to help us through yet another challenging era as women!

    • Claire
      1 July 2018 / 20:51

      Thank you. Yes I agree 🙂

  16. 1 July 2018 / 05:55

    It’s defo something that isn’t talked about in social circles and you’re right i wouldn’t really be thinking about it at my age but perhaps I should. Sounds like a great event. I didn’t realise she’d written that book, will make sure I read it as would love to hear her story

    • Claire
      1 July 2018 / 20:51

      Thanks Kerry. Yes I am going to look out for her book too 🙂

  17. justbusylovinglife
    1 July 2018 / 01:49

    I always get eggs Benedict when I go to lunch places! Looks like a really great even also!

    • Claire
      1 July 2018 / 18:30

      I loved it. Will be looking out for it in future 🙂

  18. Elizabeth O
    30 June 2018 / 19:54

    This sounds like a really helpful event/product to raise awareness for, so often women are just left to deal with the throes of menopause so its really great that there is information like this out there to help!

    • Claire
      1 July 2018 / 18:27

      Thanks Elizabeth. It was really interesting to find out more.

    • Claire
      1 July 2018 / 18:26

      Thank you Stella. It was a lovely day 🙂

  19. 30 June 2018 / 00:38

    this is so inspiring and how amazing you were able to attend! what a great event!

    • Claire
      30 June 2018 / 14:29

      Thanks for the comment 🙂

  20. Thoroughly Modern Grandma
    29 June 2018 / 21:32

    Sounds like a great event and I’m of that age. However, fingers crossed it doesn’t seem to be affecting me too badly apart from getting a bit hot at night. It’s great to raise awareness and talk about it.

    • Claire
      30 June 2018 / 14:27

      Thanks so much for sharing what you are going through.

  21. Bethanny Sudibyo
    29 June 2018 / 19:11

    This seems to be such an awesome event. And it’s great to see women gathering to discuss this theme. I feel like the theme of menopause is not discussed and brought up enough.

    • Claire
      30 June 2018 / 14:23

      Thank you. Yes I agree Bethanny 🙂 Thanks..

  22. Stephanie
    29 June 2018 / 18:45

    I am so glad it is being spoken about more now, it’s so important for people not to suffer in silence. It sounds like a great product

    • Claire
      30 June 2018 / 13:57

      Thanks Stephanie, me too. So pleased the asked me to go 🙂

  23. Stefania Brandner
    29 June 2018 / 18:11

    Such a well done event! Is Femarelle a supplement only sold in the UK? I’m not quite in that demographic yet but I’d love to know what options are available to take back control 😉

    • Claire
      30 June 2018 / 13:55

      Thank you. I will have to try and find out for you 🙂

  24. 29 June 2018 / 15:17

    I think until you are going through menopause we tend to put our heads in the sand about it all. Sounds like an inspiring event.

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 18:00

      Thanks Sarah. It looks like it is not just me then 🙂

    29 June 2018 / 12:38

    This is so interesting. I hope that the taboo surrounding menopause lessens with time, its an important thing to think about. Great on Michelle for raising awareness.

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 17:45

      Thanks for stopping by and joining in the conversation 🙂

  26. Marie Blake
    29 June 2018 / 08:24

    Love how this is becoming less of a taboo subject! I think it’s so important to talk about it so no one feels alone 🙂

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:25

      Thank you Maria. Yes it is something that no one talks about and I think it is great to raise awareness to help people understand it more 🙂

  27. Victoria Sayle
    29 June 2018 / 04:46

    Thanks for the post, very informative and a great product judging by the amount of vitamins packed in there. Will definitely remember to check this out in a few years!

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:24

      Thank you Victoria. I love the thought of something making thing better for you.

  28. 28 June 2018 / 21:14

    You’re absolutely right that many younger women don’t think about the menopause, and that includes me. Reading your post has made me realise I need to start reading to get prepared as I’m not getting any younger.

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:22

      Thanks for the comment. It had never entered my head until now and I could be only a few years away from it so I am so happy to get more of an understanding 🙂

  29. 28 June 2018 / 20:46

    My friend is going through early menopause and I’ve been talking about it a lot with her. It’s good to see a campaign that is helping woman!

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:22

      It is o lovely that your are there for your friend Laura. I can imagine it being so hard to go through alone.

  30. Sarah | Digital Motherhood
    28 June 2018 / 21:21

    Sounds like a good day out and an important subject to promote.

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:23

      Thank you Sarah 🙂

  31. iheartkatiecakes
    28 June 2018 / 19:43

    What a lovely way to raise awareness for a very important topic. I’ve heard Michelle speaking about this on the TV and it’s certainly made me think about the future.

    Katie xoxo

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:19

      Thanks Katie. I had heard bits but never really understood what she has been though until now.

  32. fivelittledoves (@fivelittledove5)
    28 June 2018 / 20:16

    Oh I would have loved to go here! I LOVE Michelle Heaton and have followed her story over the years. I am having huge issues at the moment with perimenopause, I never realised it could hit so soon!

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:21

      Thank Laura. Yes I have always thought she was nice too and I am so glad to have met her as she is so lovely and friendly 🙂

  33. 28 June 2018 / 18:29

    Though the menopause seems like a long way off for me it is so good to see a campaign that is empowering woman through what can be a tough life adjustment 🙂

    • Claire
      29 June 2018 / 10:18

      Thanks Helen. I am glad I now have a better understanding of it 🙂

  34. mummabstylish
    28 June 2018 / 14:55

    Oh this sounds right up my street, but didn’t get an invite 🙁 I bet it was really interesting Claire, thanks for sharing this – it’s a hot topic for me at the moment! Glad you enjoyed it and it’s a shame Laurie couldn’t go as that would have been so nice for you to meet up.
    I’ll be having a look at this for sure. Jacqui Mummabstylish

    • Claire
      28 June 2018 / 15:58

      Thanks for stopping by Jacqui. If I ever get another invite, I will mention your interest 🙂

      • mummabstylish
        7 July 2018 / 17:12

        Thanks Hun, I’ve chosen your dress as my favourite from the #linkup. xx

        • Claire
          7 July 2018 / 19:58

          Thanks so much for the feature Jacqui 🙂

    • Claire
      28 June 2018 / 15:56

      Thanks Tamar, I had a great day 🙂

  35. 28 June 2018 / 08:49

    I was supposed to go to this! We could have met! I’m stuck in Essex sorting mums affairs though. I don’t know if you know, mum passed away three weeks ago. I’m gutted I couldn’t go now! xx

    • Claire
      28 June 2018 / 08:54

      Aww, Laurie. I asked who else was going because I was really hoping you and Jacqui were going. It would have been great to meet you. I hope we get to meet at another event soon.

      I was so sorry to hear about your mum Laurie 🙁 I can not imagine how hard it has been for you. xx

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