Creative Sunday And A Monday Link Up

Creative Sunday, Monday Link Up.

Happy Creative Sunday/ Monday lovelies.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend?

I decided to start the blog hop nice and early this week as I have so many things going on this week I thought it would be better to start the link up early rather than later!

I am so pleased you have stopped by to join us for this week’s Creative Sundays, Monday Blog Hop.

Grab a drink and link up your creative/crafty/stylish posts and have fun finding amazing, inspiring and creative posts at this week’s party.

Thanks so much for linking up last week, over 130 blog posts were shared here. Making featuring just a handful of blogs hard work as you are all so creative!

Anyway, onto this weeks link up:

This week’s featured blogs:

Do you own a silk shirt and not sure how to style it? Love this outfit post from Jessica over at Jean’s And A Teacup: How To Wear A Silk Top During The Day.

It was so lovely to see Stephanie from Glamorous And Geeky with her newborn baby boy. Congratulations to Stephanie.  How beautiful does Stephanie look too? I looked nothing like this after giving birth. Welcome little one, preemie mom.

I love upcycling and recreating something amazing out of old things.

I love this post from Collen over at Life On  Kaydeross Creek:  5 Easy Ways to Upcycle and Decorate with Vintage Books.

I love red and Mariah from Like Honey is wearing the most beautiful red dress. She is the Lady In Red.

Such beautiful Valentines ideas from Cristina over at Bird Party. How lovely are these DIY Valentines Day Easy Calligraphy Mugs?

What has got you creative this week?

Creative Sunday
Creative Sunday, Monday Link Up

You can find the blog hop buttons here:Blog hop codes.

Creative Mondays Blog Hop Party Guidelines:

Please only link up family-friendly posts!

Add as many new posts as you would like too. Add straight to a specific creative post. You can link up anything creative. Home, style, recipes, crafts, DIY, tutorials etc. Please link up to a post and not your main home page.

Please link back to the Creative Mondays party in your posts to spread the word. You can either link back or grab a Creative Monday widget from my blog hop page.

Sharing is caring. Please visit a few of the posts that have linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone.

It would be great if you would follow along in some way. Let me know if you do, so I can follow you back too.

Please tweet me any links you have add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the #Creativemonday hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

By joining this Creative Mondays Blog Hop, you are giving me permission to maybe share your photo here next week as a featured post. Please leave me a comment below if you do not wish to be featured.

This Linky List Has Now Ended.

A post you might have missed:

Marinated Oven Baked Chicken With Roasted Shallots And Peppers.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Cheryl
    14 February 2018 / 04:49

    I love Jess from Jeans and a Teacup! Happy Monday (or Tuesday) to you!Cheryl Shops

  2. Oh My Heartsie Girl Linkup
    14 February 2018 / 03:17

    Thank you for hosting Claire, great bloggers are so talented. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share our blogs!Hope you have a great week-Happy Valentines!!

  3. Jean |
    13 February 2018 / 02:29

    Claire, thank you for hosting. Love that red dress. When I get ready to refresh my wardrobe for spring, I'll be looking here for inspiration.

  4. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    12 February 2018 / 21:21

    Beautiful ladies in your features this week. Have a beautiful day!

  5. Mother of 3
    12 February 2018 / 21:06

    Wow, I sure never looked like that after giving birth. Thanks so much for hosting.

    • 18 February 2018 / 19:31

      Thanks for joining us. I know I never did as we have a photo in a collage on our wall of me looking like I had work for a month none stop without any sleep 🙂

  6. kateonthinice
    12 February 2018 / 20:47

    Goodness there are some stylish women out there. Put me to shame but equally I can be inspired and learn from them. Thanks for hosting.

    • 18 February 2018 / 19:23

      Thanks Kate, so many inspiring fashion posts here, isn't there 🙂

  7. Julie's Creative Lifestyle
    12 February 2018 / 19:10

    Thanks for hosting the fun and have a Happy Valentine's Day Claire!

    • 18 February 2018 / 19:17

      Aww, thanks Julie. Hope you had a lovely Valentines Day too 🙂

  8. csuhpat1
    12 February 2018 / 15:13

    Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

    12 February 2018 / 12:43

    Thanks so much for hosting a great party and for featuring my post on decorating with books!

    • 18 February 2018 / 19:13

      Thanks so much for linking up all your creative ideas. Turns out I have another feature for you tomorrow 🙂

  10. Shelbee On The Edge
    12 February 2018 / 11:22

    So many great features, Claire! Those old books are a fabulous decorating idea! I need to go check that out. Have a great week, my friend! Shelbee

  11. mummabstylish
    12 February 2018 / 08:24

    Thanks for hosting, these are some super blogs you've featured. Have a great week. x

  12. Louisa
    11 February 2018 / 22:27

    Thanks for hosting. This is my first time linking up and it's nice to see such a variety of posts

    • 18 February 2018 / 18:53

      Thanks for joining us Louisa, hope you enjoyed the blog hop 🙂

  13. Tamar SB
    11 February 2018 / 21:07

    Great features! Have a great week.

  14. stephanie
    11 February 2018 / 19:45

    Thank you so much for the feature!!!! My first baby I looked absolutely horrible in every picture family would post on facebook, I swore if I ever had another baby, I would wear makeup at least the next day. 😉 which I did. Thank you again!!!!!!!!!

    • 18 February 2018 / 09:13

      I never thought of this Stephanie, I looked bad on all my 4 births but we never really took photos in them days, it was never as easy as noways 🙂

  15. Cheryl
    11 February 2018 / 18:43

    Something to share, at last! Have a good week.

  16. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    11 February 2018 / 18:40

    Also thanks so much for all your visits, Claire!! I really appreciate it!!Hugs,Deb

  17. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    11 February 2018 / 18:39

    Thanks so much for hosting!!Hugs,Debbie

  18. vanity andme
    11 February 2018 / 17:03

    Have a great week Claire xx

  19. April J Harris
    11 February 2018 / 16:54

    What lovely features! I've pinned several of them! Thank you so much for hosting, Claire. I hope you have a lovely week!

    • 12 February 2018 / 19:35

      Aww, great thanks April. So much inspiration around 🙂

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