Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday's Cocktail Wonderland

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland. Creative Mondays, The Wednesday Blog Hop, Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. All rolled into one!!

Hello friends, so how are you today? Also, welcome back to this week’s Creative Mondays blog hop.

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland:

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland. The last Creative Mondays, The Wednesday Blog Hop and Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop of the year. Whoop whoo!! Are you all nearly ready for Christmas? Or ready for a nice relaxing break? I know I am.

Eek, only a week until Christmas and I still have so much to do. I always leave everything until the last minute. Then I get stressed rushing around doing last minute things. All the joys of Christmas, then. I am really ready for a little blog break too.

Creative Mondays: The Wednesday Blog Hop:

I have worked so hard on my two blogs over the last year and I am worn out with pushing myself to do more and more. Trying to post every day on 2 blogs is hard work. Next year I will try to blog 3 times a week on each blog, which is still 6 times but better than 14!!

Also, I think I only missed one blog hop this year and even managed to keep them going when we were on holiday.

I need to spend more time on looking after myself next year. Because I spend far too long online and I really need to exercise more. Also, I really want to get fit and healthy again as I am feeling really tired all the time lately.

Will you be taking a blog break too?

Christmas Dresses, How Sweet?

Photo above from the Christmas Dresses From Want That Trend Review. Stop by and see the full post with lots more photos.

Three blog hops each and every week can be tiring keeping up, but I do love hosting them and reading everyone’s posts so three blog hops a week will continue in the New Year. Today is the last Creative Mondays: The Wednesday Blog Hop: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop all rolled into one.

Not to worry though, the blog hop will be open until the New Year and you are welcome to come back time and time again and link up as many posts as you would like to share over the holidays. So, I will try to stop by as many as I can over the next two weeks to pin, tweet and comment on the posts too.

So, I am taking a few weeks off from the blog but I will still be around in the background. I am planning my New year blog spring clean, working on my photos and planning fewer posts for next year but hopefully better photos… Watch this space, ha!!

I can’t wait to spend quality time with my lovely family and enjoy spending lots of time with my eldest two Sons who have left home but yeah, will both be coming home for Christmas.

Creative Mondays: The Wednesday Blog Hop: Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop:

So now it is over to you. Link up AS MANY POSTS AS YOU LIKE and don’t forget to stop by and link up any new posts throughout the next two weeks too.

Thanks for stopping by. This blog hop has now ended and been deleted due to old broken links. Why not hit the home page and join us for our latest blog hop. See you again soon.

Did you see yesterday’s post?: Parmigiano-Reggiano Buffet Food Ideas.

Merry Christmas from all of us, including Mollie The Border Collie.

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland:

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland. Fancy a cocktail? How about trying one of these 3 recipes?

Watercress And Elderflower Martini Recipe

Watercress And Elderflower Martini Recipe:

Recipe courtesy of Watercress.

Firstly, Watercress And Elderflower Martini Recipe. Shake vigorously and strain into a chilled Martini Glass. Feast Like a King this Christmas with Watercress. But this wasn’t always the case – in medieval royal courts, watercress was a key element in a big feast, used like bread to mop up the gravy. It was also believed to cleanse the palate so had a double purpose at a banquet, with its hot peppery flavour preparing the taste buds for the next rich onslaught. Watercress And Elderflower Martini Recipe.

How To Make Peppermint Vodka

How To Make Peppermint Vodka:

Recipe courtesy of Waitrose.

Secondly, How To Make Peppermint Vodka. This recipe takes two to three weeks to infuse so best be quick if you would like to make some for your New Year parties.

How To Make Peppermint Vodka. Discover the perfect holiday indulgence with this step-by-step guide on how to make homemade Peppermint Vodka.

Transform ordinary vodka into a festive, minty delight that will step up your seasonal cocktails. Learn the secret to infusing the refreshing flavour of peppermint into your spirits. All you need is vodka, Mint Imperials, and green food colouring. Get started today! How To Make Peppermint Vodka.

Coffee And Chocolate Bourbon

Coffee And Chocolate Bourbon:

Recipe courtesy of Waitrose.

Thirdly, Coffee And Chocolate Bourbon. Also, how about trying this Coffee And Chocolate Bourbon recipe out? This richly flavoured infusion makes a charming homemade gift for bourbon lovers and is also great with chocolate desserts or as a digestif. Perfect for a Christmas gift too. Coffee And Chocolate Bourbon.

Christmas Dresses From Want That Trend Review.

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland:

Crafting Christmas: Creative Monday’s Cocktail Wonderland. Also, find me on the Web | Twitter | Facebook

You can also read more about me here: Polka Dot Lady.  Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. Also, follow along on Facebook for regular updates.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 23 December 2017 / 00:21

    I wish you the best of Christmases Claire. You more than desrve a good rest xx

  2. Andrea Nine
    22 December 2017 / 11:40

    Thank your always being such a gracious hostess!!! Merry Christmas to you and yours pretty lady!

  3. Anonymous
    21 December 2017 / 17:47

    Lovely photo. So sweet.

  4. mummyhereandthere
    21 December 2017 / 13:24

    I love the jumper. Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year X

  5. Fashion Fairy Dust
    21 December 2017 / 10:29

    I am doing the same thing my friend. Sometimes I think it's good for us to take a step back and relax. Then when we come back we're refreshed and ready to go. Have a fabulous holiday with your family Claire!Debbie

    • 31 December 2017 / 19:44

      Thanks Debbie, it has been lovely spending time with my family. I don't know what day it is now!! :)Hope you had a fab Christmas too.

  6. 20 December 2017 / 22:06

    I hope you have a good break over Christmas Claire – thanks for all your hosting too. Happy Christmas to you and the family – hope it's a special one for you all. x Jacqui

  7. Chris
    20 December 2017 / 15:18

    ClaireLove these posts…I've stopped by a few and pinned…..You've the best parties ( online and IRL it seems too) !I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a great relaxing time with your family!I do have one request if it;s not a bother: I remember about a month ago or so ( ? ) that you published a post on your food blog about an appetizer shaped into a Christmas tree! I could swear I pinned it but I cannot find it now! I sub to your food blog too, but have not rec'd posts recently… I can't search it there but I searched here to no avail. I did a google search too and found lots of party, style, Christmas-y themed posts, but not that one….sorry! Do you mind linking me to that post please? I can come back here and check comments……I know you had a different veggie or spread in each layer but I wanted to refresh my memoriy before shopping for ingredients …THANK YOU so much!!xoxoxo,Chris

    • 20 December 2017 / 22:06

      Thanks so much for the lovely comment Chris, Merry Christmas to you and your family too. Is it this posts? ? I will stop by later in the week, I have been so busy.

  8. Cheryl
    19 December 2017 / 18:52

    Claire, you are a blogging machine! I think you certainly deserve a break—take care of yourself! Cheryl Shops

    • 31 December 2017 / 19:41

      Thanks Cheryl. I have really enjoyed a break.

  9. Lanae Bond
    18 December 2017 / 23:44

    I would love to take a break especially going back school! It is great you are making plans to take care of yourself!

  10. Marilyn Lesniak
    18 December 2017 / 19:41

    Thank you for hosting. I love sharing with your readers and always find inspiration here. Have a blessed week! #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings

    • 31 December 2017 / 19:39

      Thanks so much for joining us this year Marilyn.

  11. Fiona
    18 December 2017 / 18:08

    Wow Claire, I don't know how you managed it with the two blogs! I also have two but my second is almost neglected! You definitely deserve a blogging break and enjoy it. Thanks so much for hosting, I've linked up again x

    • 29 December 2017 / 09:57

      Thanks Fiona. I do not know now I am having a break how I manged to find time either, ha! I think it will be hard work getting back up to that now.

  12. Shooting Stars Mag
    18 December 2017 / 17:10

    Happy Holidays/Happy New Year! I'm really hoping to change some things in the new year, so I won't be taking a full blog break but I might not post as much next week since I doubt people will be on as much. We'll see!-Lauren

    • 29 December 2017 / 09:52

      Hi Lauren, thanks for linking up this year. Happy New Year.

  13. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    18 December 2017 / 17:06

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope you have a wonderful holiday season with your family. See you in 2018!

    • 29 December 2017 / 09:46

      Thanks so much Carol. Hope you having a lovely time.

  14. Samyuktha Jayaprakash
    18 December 2017 / 17:03

    Take care! Quality always trumps quantity.

    • 29 December 2017 / 09:45

      Thanks you, that is a very good piece of advice, thank you.

  15. 18 December 2017 / 16:50

    Hi Claire! Thank you for hosting the parties throughout the year. I know it's a lot of work – I only host one per week and while it's a lot of fun, it does take up a lot of time. Today is the last Hearth and Soul Link Party for 2017 too, and while I'll be blogging a bit over the holidays I am going to take a bit of a break as well. My site is being redesigned at the moment too so I'm really excited about that. I've shared a really yummy cookie recipe today. Happy Christmas to you and yours. I'm so glad you will have the family all together!

    • 28 December 2017 / 19:30

      Thanks April, whoo I am going to stop by now and see if it is finished.

  16. EmCi and BiTi @ Prêt-a-Vivre
    18 December 2017 / 16:27

    Thank you for hosting Creative Mondays. It is hard work to write so many posts and maintain two blogs. Hats off to you and thank you!Have a wonderful holiday season and a happy and lucky 2018.

  17. csuhpat1
    18 December 2017 / 15:26

    Thanks for all the work you do. I don't know if I am taking a blog break, it depends on what I am doing. Thanks for always hosting and have a wonderful Monday.

    • 28 December 2017 / 19:28

      Thanks so much for all the support of the blog hops Patrick. I am so pleased to see you join us.

  18. Jean |
    18 December 2017 / 15:04

    Claire, you're a machine, woman! I've never heard of anyone posting 14 times a week – no wonder you need a break! I started blogging nearly 8 years ago and knew before I started I'd never be able to post consistently any more frequently than once a week. So once a week it is, every Thursday. I would be in a state of utter collapse on your schedule! Thank you for hosting. Enjoy your break.

    • 28 December 2017 / 19:25

      Thank you Jean, I have really been enjoying my break.

  19. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    18 December 2017 / 13:11

    Thanks so much for hosting each week!!Hugs,Debbie

    • 28 December 2017 / 19:23

      Thanks for joining us every week Debbie, love to see your posts.

  20. Gail Hanlon
    18 December 2017 / 11:16

    Not feeling as ready as I usually am at this time of year…have had a lot of business travel lately and still have all my presents to wrap, plus all the food shopping to do. Looking forward to a relaxing week off! Have a happy Christmas Claire and thanks for all the blog hops!

    • 22 December 2017 / 10:28

      Thanks Gail. Oh wow, you sound super busy. Enjoy your time off.

  21. Shelbee On The Edge
    18 December 2017 / 10:41

    Self-care is so important especially at this time of the year, Claire! You definitely deserve a break! You are posting 14 times a week! I have been consistently posting 5-7 times a week and that is exhausting, so I cannot even imaging how you are doing it all. Have a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!Shelbee

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