Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Week’s Features

Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Week’s Featured Posts.

Happy Monday and welcome to 19/06/2018 Creative Mondays blog hop party and this week’s featured posts.

It has been amazing weather over the weekend and I am really looking forward to the Summer holiday’s now.

I hope the weather is this good then.

 It was so hard to sleep in the heat last night though. I could do with on those big fans.

An ice cream on the Beach would taste be so good now!

Pity my children still have over a month left at school before the Summer Holidays start.

ice cream

Thanks to everyone who linked up last week.

114 posts linked up.

On to this week’s featured blog posts.

It is hard to pick a few out of some many great posts:

I love Debbies new hair cut and colour. Pop over to Debbie’s blog for inspiration style and lovely stories.

Today’s post will have you wiping a tear from your eye and looking around to see if anyone has seen you!!

I can imagine it is so hard being a teacher, especially when the children grow up and leave school too. I can imagine it also being a rewarding job too when you see how much the children have come on in the years that they have been at that school.

Check out Debbies post here: Embroidered Tee Shirt Slouchy Pants The Beautiful Light.

I love IKEA Hack Post as they are always inspiring. I have this exact table too. I can not believe how different it looks. Such a beautiful makeover from Sara from Find it, Fix it or Build it: IKEA Dining Table Hack.

Love Kelsey’s outfit in this post: The Blog Pardon My French: Rebel. Gingham is my go to print this Summer and how lovely are these jeans!!

I am a big fan of upcycling and check out this garden bench makeover. It looks great: Frau Tschi Tschi.

gluten free

Looking for a quick and easy treat? How about this post here: How To Jazz Up Your Everyday Biscuits.

You know how I love embroidery things as Debbie is wearing a top above? How lovely are these Bonmarche jeans that Jacqui is wearing in her outfit post that she linked up here: Mummabstylish : Bonmarche Perfect Outfit For Cornwall?

These hanging flower boxes from Grandmas House DIY, they look amazing.

Want some more DIY hacks? over at Lolly Janes blog, twin sisters, Kelli and Kristi, share their 13 Fabulous Farmhouse Style Hacks. I love this post, so many inspiring makeovers.

Would you like to take part in the fun and join us for this week’s Creative Mondays Blog hop?

Creative Mondays Blog Hop And This Week’s Featured Posts:

Creative Mondays

You can find all the blog hop buttons here if you would like to add a badge to your posts.

Creative Mondays blog hop link up requests:

Please link up straight to your blog posts and not your main blog. You can link up recipes and food tutorials. Anything crafty. Upcycled projects. Style, wishlists and outfit posts. Home makeovers. Any kind of tutorials. Or anything else that has got you creative over the last few weeks. Add your posts to the blog hop below.

Please try to visit a few of the blogs on the list to make the hop fun for everyone.

Please add the Creative Monday blog button or a text link back to my blog in the posts you are linking up. Or add them on your blog hop page so others can find the hop and join in the fun.

It would be great if you would like to follow me here? let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can stop by and follow back.

Don’t forget you can also tweet me your links and I can re-tweet them.@clairejustineo

Have fun blog hopping around.

Do not forget to stop by our other blog hops too. On Wednesday you can share your photo’s at our photo blog hop. On Friday’s you can link up any post that you would like to share.

This Linky List Is Now Unavailable.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Trina M
    20 June 2017 / 00:28

    Great picks and thanks so much for hosting.

  2. Marilyn Lesniak
    19 June 2017 / 19:15

    Thank you for hosting and enjoy your week!

  3. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    19 June 2017 / 18:43

    Yes, please I want that ice cream!

  4. csuhpat1
    19 June 2017 / 17:26

    Thanks for hosting and it is hot here in the SF Bay Area. The heat seems to be everywhere.

  5. Jessica Jannenga
    19 June 2017 / 15:48

    Hi Claire, love the outfit posts and those chocolate dipped cookies oh my!have a great week!jess xx

  6. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    19 June 2017 / 12:22

    Thanks for hosting – have a great day!

  7. mummabstylish
    19 June 2017 / 11:42

    Thrilled to be featured Claire, thank you so much. Some great reading material too! Jacquimummabstylish

  8. KelseyB
    19 June 2017 / 11:24

    Thank you so much for featuring my outfit 🙂 Happy Monday!

    • 25 June 2017 / 18:00

      Aww you so welcome Kelsey 🙂 Thanks for linking up.

  9. Fashion Fairy Dust
    19 June 2017 / 12:19

    Thank you so much for the shoutout and the very kind words Claire! I'm so happy that you enjoyed the post. 🙂 Have a fabulous week!Debbie

    • 25 June 2017 / 18:02

      Pleasure lovely. Thanks so much for supporting my blogs each week Debbie 🙂

  10. Tamar SB
    19 June 2017 / 10:08

    The more folks in the UK I follow the more I like the idea of more year round school! I'd rather have half terms breaks then a long summer break, I think…!

    • 24 June 2017 / 12:00

      Thanks Tamar, I think 6 weeks is a long time off. Do yours get more?

  11. dimple khadi
    19 June 2017 / 08:59

    I love that gingham blouse kesley wore

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