Better Breakfast Day: Important Linky Update

Better Breakfast Day: The Wordless Wednesday Linky. Hello friends. So how is you week going so far?

Important Update: It is with regret that I have came to the decision to retire Creative Mondays, The Wordless Wednesday and Welcome to the weekend Link Up.

Did you also know that Creative Monday has been running since 2nd January 2012 after weeks of it being Creative Thursday?

Also, The Wordless Wednesday since 6th September 2011?

And Welcome To The Weekend Link Up since May 2011?

Better Breakfast Day: Important Linky Update

Over the last few months I have realised I need to slow things down a little here. I take too many things on and I really want to focus on new and creative projects.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I am getting up at silly o’clock to write the blog hops as I spent all my free time creating and dreaming away. Which leaves me tired all day.

On Monday after 3 busy days at work, I over slept. Leaving me getting the kids ready for school first. Which meant I had to write the blog hop before I walked Mollie.

As I was rushing around and being really stressed I ended up having a tumble in the woods which left me very shaken. Also, I knew then something has to give.

So I need to follow my heart and work more on my creative ideas. I want to create better content and better photos. But I need to step back from the blog a little to do this.

This Is Not The End Of Course Not This Is Just The Beginning:

“Is this the end?” “Of course not,” . “It’s only the beginning.” – Grease!!

On Mondays I will be hosting just one blog hop a week called:

The Weekly Link Up:

This gives me a week to prepare and this will give me more time to enjoy the link up. The link up will be open all week so you can come and link up again and again.

Any day you prefer and it will not have a theme so you can link up anything and everything. No blog themes. Old or new posts. Add as many links As you like.

Better Breakfast Day:

I keep trying to eat a healthier breakfast and today as it is better breakfast day I thought I would share 5 healthy breakfast recipes from the blog:

Firstly, Oaty Potato Cakes & Smoked Salmon: Breakfast In Bed. A match made in heaven! Perfect for a breakfast in bed treat or a lazy brunch – something the whole family can enjoy. Oaty Potato Cakes & Smoked Salmon: Breakfast In Bed. So yummy.

Secondly, The Paleo Foods Co. Green Warrior Protein Smoothie Bowl. Do you love to get the day off to a good start with a portion of fruit and vegetables? Love smoothies and smoothie bowls? Today I have a beautiful smoothie bowl recipe to share with you: The Paleo Foods Co. Green Warrior Protein Smoothie Bowl. How delicious? Fancy making one? The Paleo Foods Co. Green Warrior Protein Smoothie Bowl.

Thirdly, Pink Melon With Marinated BerryWorld Blueberries. Are you looking for a nice and fruity treat recipe to start the week? How about making a Pink Melon with Marinated BerryWorld Blueberries fruit bowl? This pretty dish is very quick as well as being low in fat and rich in vitamins. A perfect start to any day. Pink Melon With Marinated BerryWorld Blueberries. So yummy.

Avocado, Rocket, Tomato And Walnut Toast:

Fourthly, Avocado, Rocket, Tomato And Walnut Toast. Fancy making up this Avocado, Rocket, Tomato And Walnut Toast, for breakfast? How tasty!? Avocado, Rocket, Tomato And Walnut Toast.

Fifth, Brunch Muffins With Poached Eggs, Asparagus Tips And Smoked Bacon, One asparagus grower’s favourite way of eating his crop is in a bacon sandwich. Here we’ve taken inspiration from that and added a poached egg, because runny yolk and asparagus were made to go together. Brunch Muffins With Poached Eggs, Asparagus Tips And Smoked Bacon.

Care to join us for the last Wordless or not so wordless/ Wednesday Link Up?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook



  1. Alexandra
    30 September 2019 / 20:52

    It is so easy for us to get caught up in the behinds the scenes, and the the deadlines we give ourselves. I spent all last year trying to get my numbers up to get them to a spot where I can earn just a little bit extra, and it drained me, and I still didn’t get there. This year, I decided to take it easier, and try to spend more time crafting things, the reason why my blog exists. I’ve had to learn that when I miss a post date, not to stress, and not to worry about making it up, but rather, just continue on. I have found I am stressing less, and making more things, AND getting to spend more time with my friends and family [AND my numbers are growing ]. Taking time for us is just as important as these healthy breakfast options 😉 I love following your blog, and I think this will be a great move for you! Best wishes.

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:30

      Yes it is, isn’t it. I need to still slow things down but I do have the drive to keep pushing when I need to put the brakes on. I think It will still take a lot of time to slow down to where I want to be.

  2. 30 September 2019 / 08:54

    Although I’ve enjoyed your link ups, it sounds like a lot of work that isn’t serving you right now! Looking forward to seeing your new endeavors!

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:28

      Thanks Judee. I just needed things to slow down a little and I think one blog hop a week works out great 🙂

  3. Cheryl Shops
    27 September 2019 / 05:09

    I’m amazed that you hosted three linkups every week anyway! Here’s to the next chapter—I’ll be back, of course!
    Cheryl Shops

  4. 27 September 2019 / 00:23

    Oh my goodness, Claire, I’m so glad you weren’t badly hurt when you took your tumble. I did wonder how you managed 3 blog hops a week, it is a lot of work! Take care, and I’m sure that your new weekly linky will be a great success!

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:27

      Ha! Thanks April. I do love a challenge. On that lasted years and years too 🙂

  5. Kezzie
    25 September 2019 / 23:09

    I’m frankly ASTOUNDED you have managed all those link-ups for so long! Bravo to you for your stamina and commitment but your health and sanity is more important!

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:27

      Thanks Kezzie. It has been lovely just taking it slower and posting when I want to not to a time frame 🙂

  6. 25 September 2019 / 21:52

    That melon looks delicious! I am glad you are deciding to slow down! Hope you didn’t hurt yourself with that fall! Take care of you and the family and I am looking forward to linking up to that new link up on Mondays.

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:26

      Thanks lovely, life moves to quickly, I think that is the trouble. I wish it would just slow down a little 🙂

  7. Mother of 3
    25 September 2019 / 20:46

    Sorry to hear you have been killing yourself trying to keep up with these parties. I hope the weekly party works much better for you.

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:25

      Thanks lovely. It was not all together the blog hops, life got so demanding too 🙂

  8. 25 September 2019 / 18:10

    Claire, I have always wondered how you managed three blog hops a week! I just assumed you were super woman (I mean, you are) and had some super power to get it all done! Good for you for taking a break. And I think one link party a week is plenty! I look forward to seeing where your creative ideas lead!


    • 28 October 2019 / 13:25

      Thanks Shelbee. I think my creative ideas will have to wait a little longer as I am so tired at the minute.

  9. Pamela
    25 September 2019 / 16:10

    Wow girl you are busy. I have loved your link parties and I appreciate all the hard work that goes into that. Sometimes you have to re-evaluate and slow down. Stress is not good for anyone. Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication.

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:24

      Thanks Pamela. Yes it was the best decision as I really needed to slow things down.

  10. 25 September 2019 / 15:49

    Sometimes we just have to put ourselves first! I do hope you’re okay after that tumble – I’m in awe that you did three link-ups a week, I can only manage one! I’ll be there joining you each time for sure Hun. Enjoy the rest. Jacqui x

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:23

      Thanks Jacqui. Yes sometimes life gets in the way. I feel like it is one continues struggle at the minute to be honest 🙁

  11. 25 September 2019 / 15:32

    Good for you Claire! it’s no good when you feel overwhelmed and are not enjoying it.

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:22

      Thanks Heather, the days go by so quickly and I really do need to slow things down a little now 🙂

  12. 25 September 2019 / 12:16

    Good luck with the phase of your bloggy life. Really blogs really can take over and I admire your stamina in doing 3 link parties this long. Be happy my friend!

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:21

      Thanks so much Carol. Been a stressful few weeks so not having to rush to write a blog post has really helped 🙂

  13. 25 September 2019 / 11:10

    Claire. This is the right decision. Nothing worse than being overly stressed. I did wonder sometimes how you managed to fit it all in!
    I’ve had to slow down a bit due to unpacking and decorating. We can’t do it all and our health is important. I will see you on Mondays my friend xx

    • 28 October 2019 / 13:20

      Thanks Laurie, so much going on at the minute.

  14. Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
    25 September 2019 / 10:18

    Good for you for doing what works for you!

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