Bananagrams Challenge And Chance To Win Bananagram.
Post contains PR sample.
I am taking part in a fun Bananagrams challenge with my family creating crosswords.
The first challenge is based on ‘me and my family.
I have to use words that describe my household, name, pets, interests,what we like for dinner, literally anything that gives a flavour of my life.
The only rule is that I have to start by using the word ‘BANANAGRAMS’…..
Here is my first entry….
I have been give a BANANAGRAMS game as above for free to use in the challenge and they have given me a game to give away to one of my lovely followers.(Sorry this is only open to UK residents).
Bananagrams Challenge And Chance To Win Bananagram:
How To Play:
Bananagrams is a fast and fun word game that can be played in as little as 5 minutes making.
Bananagrams a great family fun as well as being educational!
The rules are pretty straight forward.
Depending on how many players you have, put all the tiles face down and take a certain number of letter for yourself from the bunch.
One player shouts ‘Split’ and everyone turns their tiles over. Then it’s up to you to try and connect all your letter into intersecting words.
You can re-arrange them as many times as you like until you have used all your tiles. Then you shout ‘Peel’. This means all players have to take one more tile from the centre bunch.
This continues until all the tiles are gone. The player to connect the last tile is the winner.
If you are the lucky one you shout ‘Bananas’ and the game is over… But be careful, a single spelling mistake will make you a ‘Rotten Banana!
All my lovely followers have to do to be entered into the chance to win this fun game is:
Go to BANANAGRAMS on Facebook and type I want to win a BANANAGRAMS with clairejustineoxox.
Pop back and leave me a comment that you have like it on Facebook and leave me your email/Twitter or Facebook name for if you win.If you are new to my blog please follow me and leave a message so I can follow you back…
Competition ends Midnight on 7th December.( I had to change the rule number 1,but everyone is still entered…)
Can wait ? Play have it at a great price of £9-99 and free delivery for a limited time….
About this post:
I got sent this fun game to be part of the challenge. All thoughts are my own and I was not paid for this post.
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Like and commented on Facebook(Robyn Logan). Am now following on Google Friend Connect. @robynlclarke
Like their page, follow you on GFC & twitter
already like them on FB @pooohbear2811
I havw liked on Facebook. @snafflesmummy
Liked them on FB, Alison Maclean @ali991Looks a fab game
I've liked them on Facebook. I didn't know this game existed @budgetingmum
have liked their FB page @MummyFever
i've seen this game before but never played it, so i have liked them on facebook. @mummylion