Banana And Avocado Smoothie

Still smoothie-ing my way through the year, making healthier and not so healthy smoothies.

Also #Runstreak-ing my way through the year (running everyday) for as longs as I can.

Every year on New Years Day me my husband and 2 sons all made a little fun challenge and see who can run everyday the longest.

As of yet my husband stopped due to being really ill.

My 2nd youngest had a day off, so its in between me and my oldest son (18) now!!

Bring it on as I’m still in the challenge and feeling fresh!! ha ha.

Today I’m sharing a banana and avocado smoothie, as I love avocados and banana are so good for you and filling.

Yesterday I managed to run 5 miles and today I got a just over 6 miles run in.

Serves 1


  • 1 Large banana
  • 1 Small avocado
  • 1 Medium pear
  • 1 tbsp Nutella
  • 120 ml Semi skimmed milk
  • Handful of ice cubes


  1. Peel the pear and remove the pips, peel banana, take the stone out the avocado and peel.
  2. Chop all the fruit into chunks and place in a smoothie maker.
  3. Add the milk and ice cubes.
  4. Mix for 30 seconds then smooth for 30 seconds.
  5. Serve straight away.

Days ran this year 12/12 #runstreak

Miles ran this month 71

Workouts 12

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Anonymous
    16 March 2013 / 07:04

    I love mashed banana & avocado on crackers!

  2. Reese
    12 January 2013 / 22:52

    Now this one seems a bit interesting. I'm not a fan of Acacados, but maybe the banana will mask the taste? Might give it a go. Reese

    • Claire Justine
      15 January 2013 / 16:46

      It might a little but if your not a fan of advocdos, maybe try 2 bananas to be on the safe side 🙂

  3. Anonymous
    12 January 2013 / 19:46

    Yummmmm that looks delicious !!!

    • Claire Justine
      15 January 2013 / 16:42

      Thanks for the comment 🙂

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