Back To The 80’s: Fashion Over 30 Styled From The 80’s

Back To The 80’s: Fashion Over 30 Styled From The 80’s

Jumper dress – Primark
Belt – Primark
Leggings – Primark
T-shirt – Primark
Boots – Barratts

 At first when I saw this seasons 80’s style jumpers I thought “oh not again!!”

 Been there done that…

Now after buying 3 items of knitwear in this style, a jumper dress,cardigan and shorter Jumper I am quite loving this look.

 I have even been around the charity shops over the last few day’s looking for some original Jumper.

No such look there I did manage to find and amazing polka dot KOOKAI dress, 2  jacket with the shoulder pads in and an amazing shirt which I’m sure will be featured very soon…

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Jeanine Byers
    5 October 2012 / 18:01

    Very cute, Claire!! You're making me feel nostalgic for the 80s! Now if we could only get back jackets with shoulder pads. 🙂

    • Clairejustine
      5 October 2012 / 18:22

      Thanks Jeanine ,watch this space on the jacket 🙂

  2. Mama Syder
    5 October 2012 / 14:36

    I love those style jumpers, they remind me of Christmas. I remember them during the 80's too x

    • Clairejustine
      5 October 2012 / 18:21

      Thanks me too on Christmas,loing them from now till then and after they will be packed away till next year 🙂

  3. SarahMummy
    5 October 2012 / 11:34

    I'm wondering whether if I wore something first time round that makes me too old now?! I dress in a much more boyish way and love the military stuff, which I wore in the early to mid 90s!

    • Clairejustine
      5 October 2012 / 18:19

      I loved the 90's blue army tshirt,,navy military trousers and paitant wedge trainers was my favourite look 🙂

  4. Barratts Shoes
    5 October 2012 / 10:22

    Thanks so much for mentioning Barratts on your site – great boots!Rest of the outfit is fantastic too!

    • Clairejustine
      5 October 2012 / 18:16

      Thanks for the lovely comment, loving my new boots 🙂

  5. saveeverystep
    4 October 2012 / 19:45

    Blimey I feel ancient. I can remember wearing a pink angora-ish woollen dress in about 1981. I thought I was hot. It shrunk in the wash and went quite rigid but I wore it to death!!

    • Clairejustine
      5 October 2012 / 18:15

      I remember having a few,they always shrunk ha bet they were handwash only back then ….

  6. Vix
    4 October 2012 / 16:34

    How fantastic do you look? I love the way you've belted that dress, we'd never have done that back in the 1980s! x

    • Clairejustine
      5 October 2012 / 18:01

      ha yes we wouldn't have had the belts, 80's with a twist 🙂 thanks for stopping by…

  7. Misfits Vintage
    4 October 2012 / 03:10

    Gorgeous! Great colours on you and I love the gorgeous backdrop. So sunny and happy! Sarah xxx

    • 5 October 2012 / 18:00

      Thank you,i was lucky the sun was shining as its turning cold now ..

  8. Judy Haughton-James
    4 October 2012 / 00:51

    The outfit fits you nicely Clairejustine! I also like the area where you took these shots!

  9. Melaina25
    3 October 2012 / 22:41

    I so might have to brave Primark now!✰Transatlantic Blonde✰

  10. einfachtilda
    3 October 2012 / 20:18

    Du siehst wunderschön aus!!LG Mathilda ♥

  11. M.S.
    3 October 2012 / 16:59

    Love it love it love it… I want an outfit like that:) I can't wait to go to England at Christmas so I can go shopping a Primark:)

    • 5 October 2012 / 15:06

      Thanks for the comment,you will love their jumper range 🙂

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