All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go! Happy Monday friends. The weekend was beautiful and it was lovely as we were all off work. So we decided to go to the pub after a fun family day out.

We got all dressed up with clothes that would also keep us warm as only outside seating is available at the minute. Then we set off to find a pub open with space available.

No, we didn’t book anywhere as the pubs had been quite empty all week and no we did not get in anywhere either!!

We walked for over an hour. Visited 3 pubs. Then 3 rejections because they were all fully booked up. So we called it a night. We decided to head home.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go: What I Wore:

So a few photos in the park. Then a trip to the off-license. Also, a visit to the chip shop was called for!

How were your Saturday and Sunday evenings? Did you go out anywhere nice or have friends or family around on the garden?

Over 40 Fashion Blogger

You can read all about my weekend here; Travel Plans To London But First, Let Me Take A Selfie.

Hasn’t the weather been beautiful over the last few days? It has got making a few travel plans.

Nothing too far yet though. Also back the same day! Travel Plans To London But First, Let Me Take A Selfie.

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go!

What I Wore:

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go: What I Wore.

Nowhere To Go!

What I Wore: jacket: Tu Clothing | Jumper: Next | Trousers: Primark | Shoe: Converse

You can see my Instagram post here: All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go. So what is the saying all dressed up and nowhere to go about?

Nowhere To Go!

The saying all dressed up and nowhere to go means that you are getting ready for something or already dressed up and then it never happened. 

Oh well, I got some fun photos out of it. So I won’t forget this day.

Or to book earlier next time!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

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Firstly, Layering Up Time Again!! Cozy Coat And Sparkles!! 

When I am at home I like to layer up my lounge-wear but when I go out I like to wear my things for the best. Not that I have been out far lately.

That is going to change this week as I want to start traveling again and see London, Nottingham, Chesterfield, and Birmingham (to name just a few) places trimmed up for Christmas.

How to dress up layering? Wear what you want and throw a nice big cosy coat over it! Layering Up Time Again!! Cozy Coat And Sparkles!!

Secondly, Long Beige Puffer Coat With Sparkles.

“When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.” Tuesday quote- Unknown.

Yesterday my daughter and I made the most of the snow and a walk to the park to take some photos. It’s a good job we did as all the snow has gone today. Long Beige Puffer Coat With Sparkles.

Over 40 Fashion Blogger

Also, Read More About Me Here: Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog.

You can also read more about me on my page above. Over 50s Lifestyle Blog

All Dressed Up And Nowhere To Go What I Wore
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. 8 May 2021 / 18:57

    Aw, Claire, I am sorry that you were unable to get in anywhere to eat, but this outfit is absolutely fabulous! I love the drama of your wide legged red trousers. Then the contrast of the striped tee with the sequined blazer and Converse is just brilliant! I want this whole outfit!


  2. Maureen
    2 May 2021 / 11:33

    Oh no! That’s a bummer. I loved that you guys dressed up though and at least got out. And yes to chips, what’s your favorite flavor? We aren’t doing much over the weekends. If we get out, it’s because we need food and do a grocery run. Lol

    • 6 May 2021 / 15:09

      Thanks Maureen. Not going anywhere for a while now. Until things properly open up.

  3. Amber
    28 April 2021 / 04:31

    Your red pants are gorgeous!

    I hope you are having a great week so far!


  4. Kezzie
    27 April 2021 / 23:41

    This is a wonderful outfit! The red trousers are stunning and they go SO nicelt with the stripy top and the sparkly jacket! Sorry to hear about the pub! We tried to find a pub to eat lunch in on Saturday- luckily we found a tearoom with space in a different village!

    • 28 April 2021 / 15:12

      Thanks Kezzie. Aww glad you found some space out.

  5. Laura Bambrick
    27 April 2021 / 21:34

    Love those gorgeous red pants on you! Too bad you weren’t able to dine out! Hopefully next weekend!

    • 28 April 2021 / 15:11

      Thanks Laura. We made up for it on Monday and had some food out.

  6. 27 April 2021 / 10:42

    LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit! Are they sequins on your jacket?
    Suzy xx

    • 28 April 2021 / 15:08

      Ha, yes it is. I though I would jazz up my outfit a bit.

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