30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children. Hello friends, so how are you today? So today, I have been tagged by Seasider In The City For Save the Children.
30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children:
30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children. 8 million children die every year. Half of those are in Africa. Children are dying because they are too poor to seek medical help. This should never happen.
On Tuesday world leaders will meet at the UN General Assembly in New York.
Ahead of this Save the Children, campaigners have been raising awareness. Urging David Cameron to help end this crisis and bring the subject to the forefront of the UN agenda.
We want world leaders to pledge to tackle to dire shortfall of health care workers in the poorest countries.
What Can You Do?
30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children. What Can You Do?
So first off – Let’s all sign the petition, 30 seconds work and a step closer.
Then the challenge set by @HelloItsGemma and @MichelleTwinMum is that they want (need) to see 100 posts of 100 words linked up here by Tuesday.
If 100 bloggers each write a post about this and encourage more signatures that could make a massive dent in the 20,000 signature shortfall that we sit with right now!
Write your 100 words about a great health professional you have encountered in your life.
Add a link to the petition and either link or add in some information from Save the Children about the #Healthworkers campaign.
Link to a number of other bloggers/ vloggers and ask them to do the same.
Tweet about this, Facebook mention it, remark on google plus, talk to your Mum on the phone, whatever you can do to spread this to just a few more people, please do it.
30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children:
My 100 (ish) Words: We are really lucky to have a great health care service in this country that sometimes we take for granted. I have 4 children and 3 of them need help when they were born.
My first was born was 2 weeks early and had jaundice, so having to stay in hospital for over a week with him in a special cot with a light over him and a orange frame over his eyes to protect him was one of the first scariest thing I ever experienced.
My second son was born blue with the cord around his neck and my 3rd son was born with grunts from swallowing to much fluid on the way out.
All my children were fine when they left the hospital due to the great staff we have on the NHS and no child should be born to die.
Also on giving birth to my second child, I could have easily died due to the tear I gain in child birth and the blood I was losing without the help of proper train staff I would not be here now and every woman should have the chance to have proper health care.
Please tag yourself into this as when I have tagged people before they don’t reply so I am tagging anyone who would like to help and this is where you add your link to the hop below.
This list has now closed.
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30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children:
30 Seconds To Save A Life: Save the Children. Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. Also follow along on Facebook for regular updates.
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Thank you Christine.
Thank you so much for joining in and adding your voice to the call for more healthworkers.
Thank you everyone. Thanks for the following Elizabeth going to follow back now.
I signed the petition, I'm still trying to figure out twitter (lol sorry) but I will forward this post for more signatures!Stopping by from Sunday Funday Hop. I am now a follower, please follow back.
thanks for sharing, brilliant post that utterly demonstrates how lucky we are, how small complications can be so easily sorted but in another place could mean life or death
what an amazing post! brought real perspective!
amazing post — happily tweeted and posted on both my facebook pages!happily returning the bloggy l’ve and follow cyn misadventures of a chunky goddess