24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features. National Tequila Day 24th July. Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features. Happy Monday and welcome back to this week’s Creative Mondays blog party linky!

So how has your weekend been? We have had a busy weekend. Visiting family, shopping and also walk around Nottingham yesterday. Tired out now but no stopping us.

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features:

National Tequila Day 24th July:

Happy National Tequila Day. Fancy a tipple later? Tequila is typically consumed neat, as a shot or sipped slowly, but it is also used as a mixer in a variety of cocktails, such as margaritas and tequila sunrises. One of my favourite drinks when I go on holiday.

So what is Tequila made from? The blue agave plant, which is mostly grown in the area around Tequila, in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, is used to make tequila, a distilled alcohol. Although many high-end tequilas are manufactured with 100% blue agave, the spirit must be made with at least 51% blue agave to be considered tequila.

The blue agave plants, which can take up to 10 years to reach maturity, are harvested and then roasted in an oven to transform the complex carbs into simple sugars. The crushed, fermented, and distilled juice of the crushed, roasted agave is used to make tequila.

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks:

Or maybe start the day with a slice of toast with Tangerine And Tequila Marmalade? So tasty.

Here is the recipe: Tangerine And Tequila Marmalade. Fancy also making some Tangerine And Tequila Marmalade? Also a tangy, taste-tantalising marmalade to liven up your toast! Tangerine And Tequila Marmalade. So good.

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features. It is raining today! Grr, maybe this will also stop us. It is dark and grey outside. Typical!! We are going to have to change our walking plans unless it rains itself out by the time the children get up!?

Tell An Old Joke Day:

Today is also; Tell An Old Joke Day. Any jokes to share with us?

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Orange who?
Orange you going to answer the door?

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Tank who?
You’re welcome!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Boo who?
Don’t cry, it’s just a joke!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in, it’s cold out here!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Cash who?
No thanks, I prefer peanuts.

Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Knock knock jokes are classics.

Thanks for joining us last week and sharing all your creative projects. 148 amazing posts link up so a big thank you to everyone. I really wish I could feature more posts!! Straight onto this week’s features:

Firstly, Instagram Lately. Lee shares her round up of Instagram outfits.

So many great looks: Instagram Lately: Summer Outfit Ideas Working Women.

Secondly, A Playhouse. How amazing is this guest post Playhouse from Lolly Jane!?

I would also live in here, ha!! I know my Daughter would love this. Shed Turned Play House Lolly Jane. So beautiful.

Thirdly, Watermelon Strawberry Frose. This Watermelon Strawberry Frose sounds great! I would love to try it Yummy!!

Rose, watermelon, strawberries, lime juice all served up in these sweet watermelon bowls. How pretty!? Watermelon Strawberry Frose.

Fourthly, Lady In Red. Red is my favourite colour and I adore this jumpsuit that Shauna is wearing: Lipgloss And Lace: Fit To Be Flared. So beatiful.

Rainbow Chicken Roll Ups:

Rainbow Chicken Roll-Ups:

Fifthly, Rainbow Chicken Roll-Ups, Anyone? Are you looking for something a little different for your lunch? Something to pack up and take to work or pack up for the children’s lunch box? Or maybe have already in the fridge for a lunchtime treat. How about trying these fun  Rainbow Chicken Roll-Ups? Add a little colour to your lunch with this vibrant mix of beetroot hummus, red-stemmed chard, strawberries, carrots and thinly sliced chicken. Rainbow Chicken Roll-Ups. So tasty.

Last But Not Least, Heather’s Newborn Photography. And it is is absolutely stunning. Life In A Click.

You should pop over and see all the photos They are amazing! Our Life In A Click: Photography Newborn Session.

National Tequila Day 24th July:

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features:

So welcome to this week’s Creative Mondays linky party. Thank you so much for linking up last week and here are this week’s featured posts: Also, what has got you creative this week?

24/07/2017 Creative Mondays And This Weeks Features

You can also find all the blog hop buttons here if you would like to add a badge to your posts.

Creative Mondays Blog Hop Link Up Requests:

  1. Firstly, please link up straight to your blog posts and not your main blog. You can link up recipes and food tutorials. Anything crafty. Up-cycled projects. Style, wishlists and outfit posts. Home makeovers. Any kind of tutorials. Or anything else that has got you creative over the last few weeks. Add your posts to the blog hop below.
  2. Please try to visit a few of the blogs on the list to make the hop fun for everyone.
  3. Please add the Creative Monday blog button or a text link back to my blog in the posts you are linking up. Or add them on you blog hop page so others can find the hop and join in the fun.
  4. It would be great if you would like to follow me here? let me know in the comments below if you do, so I can stop by and follow back.
  5. Don’t forget you can also tweet me your links and I can re-tweet them. clairejustineo
  6. Also have fun blog hopping around.
  7. Do not forget to stop by our other blog hops too. On Wednesday you can share your photo’s at our photo blog hop. On Friday’s you can link up any post that you would like to share.
  8. By linking up you are giving me permission to maybe feature your blog next week.

Thanks so much for stopping by. This list has now expired.

Did You Also See These Posts:

Firstly, A New Maxi Dress For Summer. As soon as school finished on Friday lunchtime, we were straight out. Making the most of our Summer holidays. My husband was home from work early. The children were back home from school and Mollie had been walked. A New Maxi Dress For Summer. So good.

Secondly, Schools Out For Summer. Yeah schools out for Summer!! (Well it will be by lunchtime today!!). The Weekend Blog Hop. Schools Out For Summer. So much fun.

Thirdly, How To Wear A Short Jumpsuit. Over 40 Style. A short jumpsuit also with a long wrap-around skirt attached. So what a perfect combination? How To Wear A Short Jumpsuit. So pretty.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you like this post.

World Kindness Day
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Jessica Jannenga
    25 July 2017 / 15:47

    I must make the Watermellon frose! Two of my favorite things in the summer. rose and watermellon. Thanks for sharing!jess xx

  2. Paulina
    24 July 2017 / 23:14

    I honestly feel so inspired after reading this week's features! Thank you for sharing it!Much love from Napa Valley!Paulina | Shenska

  3. kateonthinice
    24 July 2017 / 20:50

    I am learning late in life that rain should never stop play! I don't have an old joke but an old you tube clip of Catherine Tate and a French lesson made me chuckle today

    • 26 July 2017 / 16:25

      Catherine Tate is so fun, love her in Big School. Yeah we went out for walk to Grandmas, through 2 miles of fields and it stayed dry for us in the end:)

  4. Marilyn Lesniak
    24 July 2017 / 16:18

    Thanks for hosting. Have a blessed week!

  5. csuhpat1
    24 July 2017 / 15:12

    Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Monday.

  6. Elegance and Mommyhood
    24 July 2017 / 15:50

    WOW I LOVE ALL THE FEATURES THIS WEEK, especially 2, 3 & 5. So many great ideas for home, foods and drinks!

  7. Carol @Comfort Spring Station
    24 July 2017 / 12:49

    Have a great week!

  8. Helen J
    24 July 2017 / 12:47

    The turning a shed into a playhouse post looks incredible – thank you for bringing together so much inspiration 🙂

  9. Fashion Fairy Dust
    24 July 2017 / 13:46

    It's gray and yucky here today too…eww! It has rained quite a lot this summer. I don't mind rain now and again, but this has been too much! Debbie

    • 25 July 2017 / 21:17

      Aww, I know Debbie. Sometimes it is nice to cool things down but not for long 🙁 Thanks for linking up:)

  10. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    24 July 2017 / 12:12

    Thanks so much for the party!!Hugs,Debbie

  11. Lee T
    24 July 2017 / 12:11

    Thank you for the feature!!! So sweet! Hope you have an amazing Monday (…it is 5am and I am sitting at an airport – time to get some starbucks haha!) XOLee

  12. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    24 July 2017 / 12:01

    THANK YOU so much for the feature! What a nice surprise this morning!!! xxoo

  13. Shelbee On The Edge
    24 July 2017 / 11:58

    Oh that playhouse is too cute! My favorite old joke is ever is this…How do you make a tissue dance? (You put a little boogie in it!)Thanks for the link up. Have a fabulous week! Shelbee

    • 25 July 2017 / 20:57

      Hehe, I like your joke Shelbee 🙂 The play house is amazing , isn't it 🙂

  14. Tamar SB
    24 July 2017 / 10:33

    So many great link! Happy Monday!

  15. journaramirez
    24 July 2017 / 09:37

    Thank you so much for hosting the party. It was great! – Journa, visiting from the team at lollyjane

  16. vanity andme
    24 July 2017 / 07:47

    I'm loving Shauna's Jumpsuit too! Gorgeous colour! Have a great week Claire xx

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