17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer. The Wednesday Link Up. Hello friends and welcome by the photo sharing link up.
I am not one to wish my life away but I am so looking forward to Summer this year. I am so over Winter!!
Today I am sharing 17 reasons why I am looking forward to Summer and some photos from the beach last year.
Experience the ultimate anticipation for summer with ’17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer.’ Explore a captivating list of reasons that will ignite your excitement for the sunny season ahead.

17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer 2020:
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer. From beach adventures to refreshing cocktails and vibrant days out, this compilation captures the essence of what makes summer truly special.
Get ready to embrace the warmth, freedom, and endless possibilities that await you. Let this compelling collection of reasons inspire you to make the most of this sensational time of year.
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer:
Reason 1 Lighter Nights.
One thing I love about Summer is lighter nights. To actually finish work and it being light when I walk out, will be fantastic!! When it is lighter evenings I never feel as tired as I do when it is dark.
I also like lighter mornings as I like to get my blog work done first thing. Not easy when it is cold and dark. All I want to do is stay snuggled up in bed until the very last minute.
Reason 2 Family Health Issues.
One family member has been really poorly, then another and another. All having to visit the hospital and have operations etc.
Hopefully by Summer everyone will be seen to, on the mend and be able to enjoy the weather again. Last Summer was so stress free and everyone was fit and healthy. I am hoping the same for this Summer.

Feeling Like You Have More Hours In The Day:
Reason 3 Feeling Like You Have More Hours In The Day.
You don’t have anymore hours in the day, it just feels like you do because it is lighter in the morning and lighter at night. I get so much more things done in Summer.
My ironing pile is high at the minute as I do not like ironing in a morning when it’s dark and do not feel like it after work as it dark!!
Reason 4 Running Parkrun.
Love Parkrun but never fancy getting up when it is still dark to stand in a field freezing cold with lots of running layers on waiting for the race to start. I am starting to train up for Parkrun again now but waiting for nicer weather to start!
Also, I am such a fair weather runner at the minute. When I am fitter I may enjoy Winter running more but until then.
It will be nice to have the option to go for a run after work in the park too. I am not running in the park when it is dark.

Eating More Healthier Foods And Salads:
Reason 5 Eating More Healthier Foods And Salads.
I love smoothies for breakfast and salads for lunch but really do not fancy then when it is cold outside. In Winter I eat more sugary comfort foods and soup with bread and lots of butter!! So good.
Reason 6 Not Having To Worry About Wet Hair After The Swimming Baths.
I have signed up for the gum again and really want to start swimming. The thought of coming out of the swimming baths with wet hair when it is cold and dark sends a few shivers down my spine.
Maybe I will get into a swimming routine by Summer.

17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer.
Not As Much Rain, Hopefully:
Reason 7 Not As Much Rain, Hopefully.
Why is it always raining at the minute? Not just rain either, torrential rain. I spent 10 minute yesterday in my car waiting for the rain to slow down so I could walk down the car park to work.
Reason 8 Bronzing My Legs With The Summer Sun.
I really do have pale legs at the minute!! I would love to get some sunshine on my legs to brighten them up a little and make then more bronzed.
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer:
Reason 9 Visits To The Beach.
Oh how I am dreaming of visits to the beach with my family. Love, love love visiting the seaside. I really must plan more visits this year on our days off or weekends off work together.
Reason 10 Drinking More Water And Healthier Drinks.
I am sat here drinking milky and sugary cappuccino ( got one now as I tap away at my computer!) and hot chocolate drinks most of the day to warm me up. In Summer you feel like drinking cold water more and do not need lots of warm drinks to warm you up then.

More Nights Out With My Husband:
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer.
Reason 11 More Nights Out With My Husband.
Ever Winter we say we will go out more. Just me and my Husband but it is just too cold and dark when we have the right time when we are both off work to do something together.
Always one of us says “Shall we go out next time?” Lighter nights and sunshine make you want to go out more.
Reason 12 Holiday’s And Family Time.
Looking forward to our summer holiday and more family time away. We need to start planning now where we will be going this year.

17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer:
Reason 13 Summer Dresses Instead Of Layers.
I love wearing dresses but in Winter you can not wear them much with thick tights and lots of layer under and over them. To wear Summer dresses with nothing much else will be amazing.
Whoo, and a nice pair of sandals too instead of thick socks and boots.

Reason 14 Sitting In The Garden.
I can just imagine just sitting in the garden with a nice cold glass of pop in my hand. Mollie playing ball in the background and me sat there reading a nice book with the sun shining down on me.

Not Having To Worry About Everyone Around You Spreading Their Cold And Flu Germs:
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer:
Reason 15 Not Having To Worry About Everyone Around You Spreading Their Cold And Flu Germs.
A few customers at work each day are coughing or sneezing around me, all full of colds. Some people even cough in your face or even sneeze without covering there noses.
I try to walk in a different direction if I can or try not to breath in their germ as I pass.
I really do not want flu again!! One woman coughed and trumped as I walked by her yesterday! Bless. Now that did surprised me and made me walk even faster!!
Reason 16 Beautiful Flowers And Pops Of Colour Everywhere.
Over the last few years I have really started to appreciate flowers growing outside and all around. When the children were younger I never had time to notice them as much.
Now everywhere I go I get a shout out from the children hurry up Mum. “Yeap,”I will not be a minute. I am usually behind snapping some pretty flowers with my phone.
Reason 17 Taking More Photos And Making More Memories.
So I hardly take any photos when out and about in Winter as I do not want to take my gloves off in the cold. I have 100’s of photos in Summer and take lots more photos of anything and everything.
Also, I love looking back on photos remembering the time you visited this place or that place. So exciting.

17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer:
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer. Start counting down the days and get ready to create unforgettable memories.
So are you looking forward to Summer or are you enjoying the colder weather? This Linky Has Now Finished.

17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer:
17 Reasons I Am Looking Forward To Summer. Thank you so much for stopping by. I also hope you liked this post. You Might Also Like My Latest Posts.
Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me here: Over 50s Lifestyle Blog.
Also Visit My Salad Pinterest Board Here:
Salad Pinterest Board. Indulge in a world of fresh flavours and vibrant colours with these salad recipes. From crisp greens to savoury toppings and zesty dressings, each recipe is a celebration of health and taste.
So whether it’s a simple side or a hearty meal, let’s spread the joy of nutritious eating and creativity recipes. Also, pin me for a spark of inspiration that ignites your imagination and fuels your creativity. Salad Pinterest Board. So tasty.
I’m looking forward to summer now after reading this! I love eating salads and fresh fruits in the summer, but in the winter I need something warm and comforting! Letting my hair air dry is so much nicer, too!
Sounds lovely x
Warming the damp from my bones, gardening until its dusk, and writing with the bifolds wide the whirr of my brain punctuated with birdsong.Going to the Primadonna writing festival, seeing Rag n Boneman life in Thetford forest drinking fizz by the stream and shocking the kids and their children with my slightly quirky ways. I won’t wish my life to rush through winter, because life is too short so I savour what I can of today but am excited to do the summer things when it comes. I came from Esme’s salon and look forward to you visiting me soon.
Sounds like a great list of things to look forward to x
“Not Having To Worry About Wet Hair After The Swimming Baths”
Oh, yes, I certainly relate to that — I have to be forced to go swimming in winter!
Thanks for the comment. Aww hate having to go out in the cold hair with wet hair.
I absolutely love the summer, and can’t wait for it! I especially love having my children home from school during the summer.
Aww, yes me too.
I am so over the winter as well, Claire. we are just recovering from a nasty stomach bug and it is getting really cold here. It hasn’t been too bad weather wise up until now. I am ready for warm weather and sunshine and fresh air!
Oh no, Shelbee. Hope your all feeling better now. Thanks for joining us.
I’m looking forward to those longer days, warm weather and flowers in the garden!
Love spotting flowers everywhere, Heather x
I’m always looking forward to hot summer days, my fav season! Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with TOP 10 POSTS OF 2019 AT GRAMMY’S GRID. My unlimited monthly party 8 is open until January 26 if you’d like to link up! My themed party 9 for all things crochet is open until January 25 if you have appropriate posts.
Thanks for stopping by x
Oh I can’t wait either! Eating and reading outside are two things I love to do! Thanks for the linkup Claire!
Sounds perfect Nancy.
I am definitely looking forward to summer weather and sunshine!
I can’t wait.