15 Trifle And Desserts In Glasses Ideas To Make At..

15 Trifle And Desserts In Glasses Ideas To Make At Christmas…

Just planning party food and treats as it is my sons 18th birthday this Friday. We are having a family party on Sunday and I am thinking of Christmas treats to make. I love to make trifle and creamy, fruity, nutty or any desserts in glasses.

 What’s not to like?

Love the adult ones to with a little alcohol added …

Sweet Freedom Trifle

Fruity Cocktail Trifles

Scottish Berry Trifle

Will Torrents Royal Jubilee Trifle

Party Berry Trifles

California Prune And Armagnac Trifle

Very Berry Tiramisu

Milk Chocolate Tiramisu

Bite Sized Trifles

BanoffeePie Pots

Mini Vodka And Blackberry Jellies

Boozy Brownie Cherry Walnut Trifle

Strawberry And Irish Cream Liqueur

Harveys Bristol Cream Trifle

Berry Amarula Eton Mess

Now which ones to try first?

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. NotJessFashion
    25 November 2014 / 13:37

    Wow! Those surely look delicious! I'm craving now! =)Jessica | notjessfashion.com

  2. Coombe Mill
    17 November 2014 / 08:46

    Some of these look utterly delicious, will definitely have to try some of these out.

  3. Chris
    16 November 2014 / 19:45

    Loving these, Claire!!Pinning. I must try 1 or 2 for Christmas this year!Thanks for sharing this awesome round up!

  4. Winnie
    16 November 2014 / 18:34

    GREAT roundup!!These are great for almost every holiday

  5. Kezzie
    16 November 2014 / 12:53

    Wow!!!!! X

  6. Terri Presser
    16 November 2014 / 10:43

    Yum, all I can say is just yum. I am your neighbour at Making Your Home Sing Monday. Thanks for the ideas. If you have time I would love you to link up at Good Morning Mondays at Darling Downs Diaries. Blessings

  7. Leovi Leovi
    15 November 2014 / 20:38

    Nice pictures! These desserts are a treat!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 November 2014 / 20:57

      Thanks Leovi 🙂

  8. Tamar SB
    15 November 2014 / 18:54

    These all look so tasty!

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 November 2014 / 20:32

      Thanks Tamar 🙂

  9. Eco Gites of Lénault
    15 November 2014 / 17:28

    Yum, I may have to try out a few of these! The French love puddings (and starters) in small glasses and the shops stock a wonderful range of containers.

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 November 2014 / 20:32

      Whoo sounds lovely 🙂

    15 November 2014 / 17:20

    Great recipes for the holidays Clairejustine! Thanks for sharing. Just pinned them too.FABBY

    • Clairejustine oxox
      15 November 2014 / 20:31

      Aww thanks Fabby 🙂

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