14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For National Pie Day.

Hello friends. So how are you today? Love pie? If so, what is your favourite filling? Sweet or savoury? Or both!! Did you also know today is pie day? A great day to treat yourself to your favourite pie. How cool?

How To Make A Chestnut, Mushroom And Shallot Pie
Recipe and image courtesy of UK Shallot

Today I Am Sharing 14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For National Pie Day:

How To Make A Chestnut, Mushroom And Shallot Pie. Firstly, get your taste buds ready for National Vegetarian Week (which runs from 14-20 May 2018 when post published) with this Chestnut, mushroom And shallot pie. So how about trying this tasty meat free pie? How To Make A Chestnut, Mushroom And Shallot Pie.

How To Make A Cannoli Pie
Recipe and image courtesy of Dr Oetker

How To Make A Cannoli Pie. Secondly, cake Anyone? Cannoli Pie anyone? This smooth and creamy Cannoli Pie is a delicious idea for an Italian inspired dessert. So yummy!! Also, a perfect dinner party idea or yummy weekend treat. How delicious!? Just the kind of pie I love too. How To Make A Cannoli Pie.

Butterscotch Apple Pie: Like Grandma Use To Make
Recipe c/o Dairy Diary Favourites Cookbook

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For National Pie Day

Butterscotch Apple Pie. Thirdly, more pie? So how about trying this Butterscotch Apple Pie. Just like Grandma used to make but this is a little easier as my Grandma used to make her own pasty and this recipe uses ready-made pasty to make it quicker. My grandma used to make pies all day long for her friends and family. Bless her. Butterscotch Apple Pie.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For #NationalPieDay
Recipe and recipe photo by Waitrose Scotch Egg Pie

Scotch Egg Pie. Fourthly, do you fancy trying out this scotch egg pie? What a fun and creative idea!? Hens lay eggs of different shapes and sizes. That’s why boxes of essential Waitrose 9 Free Range Eggs are packed by total weight not by size, so every egg, big or small, has a place. Scotch egg pie, how much fun? How To Make A Scotch Egg Pie.

Turkey, Gammon And Sprout Pot Pie
Recipe courtesy of Waitrose

Turkey, Gammon And Sprout Pot Pie:

Turkey, Gammon And Sprout Pot Pie. Fifthly, fancy making a meat and veg pie? A bubbling, golden-crusted pie is the simplest way of turning Christmas leftovers into a warming centrepiece. This pie looks so tasty but how about making it with some left over Chicken if you do not have any Turkey left now Christmas has been and gone? Turkey, Gammon And Sprout Pot Pie.

Ginger Pumpkin Pie: Great Recipe For Autumn And Halloween
Recipe courtesy of Belvoir Fruit Farms.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For National Pie Day Ginger Pumpkin Pie. Sixth, we couldn’t resist adding just one sweet recipe, but we think you’ll be pleased we did! Don’t worry too much about getting rid of all those seeds. Once cooked the roasted pumpkin is pushed through a sieve, to make a silky smooth, spiced filling. You could also use butternut squash and enjoy ‘pumpkin’ pie all year round. Fancy making this tasty Ginger Pumpkin Pie? So tasty.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For #NationalPieDay
Recipe and Recipe photo by Meridian Foods

Creamy Peanut Butter Pie. Seventh, so today I have a tasty treat for you: Creamy Peanut Butter Pie – This indulgent pie really does taste as good as it looks! The perfect end to any meal it doesn’t even require any time in the oven and can be made in advance to save time. Creamy Peanut Butter Pie. I love everything that little bit more when peanut butter is added.

Mushroom And Leek Pie
Recipe and images courtesy of:
Credit: Aimee Ryan for Wallflower Kitchen Copyright: The Vegan Society, 2018.

Mushroom And Leek Pie:

Mushroom And Leek Pie. Eighth, Mushroom And leek pie, what a tasty combination!? Creamy mushrooms and leeks encased in a crispy, golden pie crust. Delicious, filling and a great choice to serve to both vegans and meat-eaters! The pie is filling and features vegetables encased in a crispy, golden pie crust. Mushroom And Leek Pie. So good.

Beef Pie with Blueberry And Blackcurrant Cordial
Recipe courtesy of Belvoir Fruit Farms.

Beef Pie with Blueberry And Blackcurrant Cordial. Ninth, taking inspiration from Scandinavian cuisine, which has long embraced the concept of pairing sweet, tart berries with rich meat dishes,

The blueberry and blackcurrant cordial gives a moreish depth of flavour to the beef filling in this sumptuous pie. How To Make Beef Pie with Blueberry And Blackcurrant Cordial. So what a fun twist on a savoury dish?

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For #NationalPieDay
Recipe c/o Belvoir Fruit Farms.

Spiced Apple and Ginger Pie. Tenth, so how about mixing an apple pie up a little by adding some Belvoir Spiced Apple & Ginger Cordial into your pastry and apple pie filling: Spiced Apple and Ginger Pie. Another recipe that reminds me of my Grandmas baking. So yummy.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For National Pie Day
Recipe c/o Coffee Macmillan

Passion Fruit Meringue Pie:

Passion Fruit Meringue Pie. Eleventh, Passion Fruit Meringue Pie anyone? How yummy!? So pretty too eat? I also love any flavoured meringues, don’t you too? Passion Fruit Meringue Pie. So good.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For #NationalPieDay
Recipe and recipe photo by Waitrose 

Chicken And Chorizo Picnic Pies. Twelfth, so today I’m sharing a fun picnic pies recipe idea with you. How fun to make these up and eat over the weekend!? Also perfect to take on a picnic if the weather stays nice!! Chicken And Chorizo Picnic Pies. Or as it is still only January, why not make the an afternoon treat at the weekends and serve them warm? So tasty.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For #NationalPieDay
 Recipe created by Kerstin Rodgers, aka Ms Marmite Lover, award-winning author, blogger and supper club owner

South African Plum And Ricotta Filo Pie. Thirteenth, this is a very typical African dish, usually savoury but here made with South African plums to make a stunning dish for a dinner party dessert. You will need a 20cm spring-form cake tin with the bottom removed, and a flat baking tray. South African Plum And Ricotta Filo Pie. How yummy? So tasty!

How To Make Banoffee Pie
Recipe and image c/o LoSalt

How To Make Banoffee Pie:

How To Make Banoffee Pie. Last but not least, today I have a yummy cake recipe to share with you. So anything cake wise with caramel in it, is amongst my favourites. How about you? Do you love caramel filling too? I have this yummy Banoffee Pie recipe to share with you.

A tasty biscuit base, caramel filling, sliced bananas and then a yoghurt topping sprinkled with cocoa. Pure decadence, the LoSalt way! Reduce the salt and enjoy this indulgent treat when that sweet tooth hits! How To Make Banoffee Pie. So yummy.

14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For National Pie Day

So what do you think of these recipes? 14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For #NationalPieDay. So will you be celebrating pie day? Because I will!!

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14 Sweet And Savoury Pie Recipes For
National Pie Day
Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. 30 January 2020 / 21:48

    pies pies pies I seem to love them all the only one I do not care for is a cow pie
    come see us

  2. 29 January 2020 / 11:26

    Thanks for linking up to the Happiness is Homemade Link Party. Hope to see you again next week.

  3. 24 January 2020 / 23:04

    These all look amazing but you really had me at Peanut butter cream pie!

    • 30 January 2020 / 12:22

      Hehe, I love almost all things with peanut butter in 🙂

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