Creative Mondays Link Up And This Weeks Featured Blogs

12/03 Creative Mondays Link Up And This Weeks Featured Blogs.

Happy Monday lovelies.

Have you all have had a lovely weekend?

I hope all you Mum’s out there had a great, relaxing day yesterday for Mother’s Day?

Did you get spoilt?

My eldest two Son’s are both living away so it was a quiet relaxing day at home with my youngest two and a nice cooked dinner of my choice, once the Husband was home from work.

My Daughter bless her, realised the night before Mother’s Day that my eldest two Son’s cards haven’t arrived. She found out last years cards out of her craft box and put them in a big envelope for me to open Sunday morning.

I excitedly open my cards and did not have a clue they were from the year before.

I did wonder why they were all in one envelope and did think that one looked like last years but never thought why!?

My eldest Son phoned me to apologise for not getting over and he would bring my presents over as soon as he could.

“No worries, thanks for the card” I replied.

What, “I thought I had just explained why I didn’t give you a card!” I was trying to get home but been really busy at work. He said.

He was thinking I was being sarcastic.

But, you did get me a card, I opened it this morning!?

Then penny then dropped!! Whoops! 

All day I was thinking how lovely it was of my Daughter to do this, to make me happy. Which it did make me very happy, knowing what a thoughtful young girl she really is.

12/03 Creative Mondays Link Up And This Weeks Featured Blogs
12/03 Creative Mondays Link Up And This Weeks Featured Blogs

Get one worry out the way and then there is another one around the corner waiting for you!

Over the weekend Mollie cut her paw so that is another thing I have been worrying about this week.


It never ends with kids and pets, does it?

I am so pleased you have stopped by to join us for this week’s Creative Mondays Blog Hop. 137 amazing and creative posts were shared here last week.

Grab a drink and link up your creative, crafty and stylish posts and have fun finding amazing, inspiring and creative posts at this week’s party.

Creative Mondays Link Up And This Weeks Featured Blogs.

This week’s featured blogs:

Anna from Mutton Years Style And I share’s what she has been wearing lately: What I wear during Cold Weather.

How tasty do these Quick And Easy Crab And Shrimp Melts by April over at April J Harris’s blog look? Delicious. I would love to try them.

Laurie has been filming with Filming With Look Fabulous Forever. How exciting. Looks like she had a great day.

I love this Spring Bling on the Crafts Wood Block Sign by Our Unschooling Journey.

Yeah, welcome to Spring.

How about making some of these fun Bunny Bum Cupcakes?

What has got you creative this week?

Creative Mondays Link Up And This Weeks Featured Blogs:

Grab a button.

Creative Mondays Blog Hop Party Guidelines:

Please only link up family-friendly posts!

Add as many new posts as you would like too. Add straight to a specific creative post. You can link up anything creative. Home, style, recipes, crafts, DIY, tutorials etc. Please link up to a post and not your main home page.

Please link back to the Creative Mondays party in your posts to spread the word. You can either link back or grab a Creative Monday widget from my blog hop page.

Sharing is caring. Please visit a few of the posts that have linked up today to make the blog hop fun for everyone.

It would be great if you would follow along in some way. Let me know if you do, so I can follow you back too.

Please tweet me any links you have add to the link up to me @clairejustineo using the #Creativemonday hashtag and I will favourite, retweet and reply.

By joining this Creative Mondays Blog Hop, you are giving me permission to maybe share your photo here next week as a featured post. Please leave me a comment below if you do not wish to be featured.

This list has now ended.

You might also like these blog hops:

Butterfly Forest: The Wordless or not so Wordless Wednesday Link Up.

Time To Move On: Welcome To The Weekend Link Up.

Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts with us.

Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

Find me on: Web | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Cheryl
    14 March 2018 / 03:49

    Those crab and shrimp melts look delicious—thanks for sharing!Cheryl Shops

  2. Saryan Sha
    13 March 2018 / 06:53

    Hi Claire,This is amazing!I've never seen such interactivity, so easily done, in a blog before.You enabled your blog visitors to share links using an interactive tool from the Internet.This came as a surprise – I was rather pleased when I included my link to the list.Thank You so much.Have a nice day,Saryan (WondraWords.BlogSpot.Com)

    • 18 March 2018 / 18:13

      Hi Saryan, thanks for joining us. I hope you have enjoyed the blog hop.

  3. Marilyn Lesniak
    13 March 2018 / 01:48

    Thank you for hosting such a fun party each week. I think parties are the best social media strategy around!! I linked my cheesy Potatoes, Baileys Irish Cream Cheesecake, and a Collection of Irish foods, Just in time for St Patrick’s Day. I hope you enjoy them. Have a happy week! #OverTheMoon #WWBlogHop #ThursdayFavoriteThings

    • 18 March 2018 / 18:12

      Thanks for joining us Marilyn 🙂 Your Baileys cheesecake looks amazing.

  4. Bev Carter
    13 March 2018 / 01:26

    Wonderful features. Thanks for hosting and I hope you have an awesome day.Hugs,Bev

  5. Amanda McCusker
    12 March 2018 / 23:52

    Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!

  6. Mother of 3
    12 March 2018 / 20:33

    Happy Mother's Day and thanks for the feature!

  7. Nancy's Fashion Style
    12 March 2018 / 20:09

    What a lovely Mothers day!

  8. Morgan Prince
    12 March 2018 / 18:39

    I love crab and have always wondered how or what to do with it – I'll be checking out that recipe! 🙂

  9. April J Harris
    12 March 2018 / 16:12

    Your daughter really is so thoughtful, Claire. What a lovely thing to do. Hope Mollie's paw heals fast. Thank you so much for featuring my Crab and Shrimp Melts. I really appreciate it! This week I'm sharing my late Mom's Old Fashioned Oatmeal Raisin Muffins. I hope you have a lovely week ahead!

    • 18 March 2018 / 17:51

      Thanks April. Mollie is getting better, thank you. Hopefully back to walkies next week 🙂

  10. csuhpat1
    12 March 2018 / 14:38

    Sounds like you had a wonderful Mothers Day. Hope Mollie gets better soon. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Monday.

  11. Jessica Jannenga
    12 March 2018 / 14:28

    How nice for Mother's day! Its special when kids think of it. Sorry to hear about Mollie and her paw, is she ok? MMM. nothing like cheese and comfort food, those crab and shrimp melts look so good!Have a great week!jess xx

    • 13 March 2018 / 09:55

      Thanks Jess, yes it made my day 🙂 Mollie is OK thanks. I keep trying to make her rest it but she is ready for walkies again now and getting restless.

  12. Sheltie Times
    12 March 2018 / 14:05

    When I lived at home my job was to call my brothers from my parents room on Mother's Day and my Mom's birthday, hang up so my brothers could call back and look like heroes. Mom remarked a few years ago that it was odd how as they got older they stopped calling her. As in when I moved out and no longer was there to call them, they stopped calling.Your daughter is a sweetie.

    • 13 March 2018 / 09:52

      Aww, this is so sweet. One of my Son's never called. Too busy enjoying himself 🙂

  13. Heather{Our Life In a Click}
    12 March 2018 / 13:17

    How sweet and thoughtful of your daughter to do that! I hope Mollie is healing well. Glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day!

  14. Shelbee On The Edge
    12 March 2018 / 12:34

    Your daughter is a gem, Claire! What a special Mother's Day for you. I hope Mollie's paw is on the mend!Shelbee

  15. Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas
    12 March 2018 / 11:30

    Thanks so much for the party each week!Hugs,Debbie

  16. Sum of their Stories
    12 March 2018 / 10:00

    Oh bless your daughter, that is genius. Maybe she should just have told your lads what she had done! I had a roast dinner for 7 cooked my our middle son (which is impressive as he doesn't cook much), a cake from our daughter and a text message at 10 to midnight saying he'd talk to me tomorrow from the youngest whose now away at uni!

    • 13 March 2018 / 09:48

      Thanks Julie 🙂 Aww, that sounds amazing. I bet it was a great day.

  17. Tamar SB
    12 March 2018 / 09:06

    Have a great week!

  18. mummabstylish
    12 March 2018 / 08:47

    Yummy, could just eat the crab and shrimp melts! Have a wonderful week Claire. Jacquimummabstylish

  19. vanity andme
    12 March 2018 / 08:09

    Thank you so much for featuring Claire.Laurie xx

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