10 Things I’ve Learned From A 12 Week Old Sheepdog

10 Things I’ve Learned From A 12 Week Old Sheepdog:

10 Things I've Learned From A 12 Week Old Sheepdog

Sharing some fun things I’ve picked up along the way today from my puppy Mollie The Border Collie.

10 Things I’ve Learned From A 12 Week Old Sheepdog:

1.) To Wear Protective Clothing:

When she bites you now, it really hurts.

When she bites you now, it really hurts, I mean really hurts!!

Little sharp teeth at the back of the ankles and biting your fingers really does make you scream out loud!

Little sharp teeth at the back of the ankles and biting your fingers really does make you scream out loud!

2.) Puppies Eat Everything:

She will eat everything and anything. 

Eyes in the back of your head are needed now. 

Feathers, slugs, pine cones, stones, wood are some of her favourite things. 

Not to mention the other day when I thought I was pulling a stick out her mouth which happened to be cat poo!! 

All thing’s that are bad for her. 

So I can’t take my eyes off her at all. 

Hard work!! as hard as having a baby!?!

3.) Puppies Favourite Things; Walkies:

She loves to walk. 

Not far but try getting out the house on the school run without her! is a big no-no! 

She wines like mad.

4.) Puppies Are Fast Learners:

She now knows lots of things like her name. 



Find your lead. 

Drop that Mollie. 

Play ball Mollie.


Another paw. 


5.) Puppies Get Board Quickly:

She gets very board easy. 

She has a thirst to learn and wants to learn.

10 Things I've Learned From A 12 Week Old Sheepdog

6.) Stair Are An Adventure:

She can easily get upstairs but still scared of going downstairs. 

She is great at going down steps though as they are wider. 

7.) Watch Out When Five Minutes Of Madness Happens:

She loves a 5-minute mad time. 

Where she crazily runs around the garden biting anything in sight.

8.) Puppy Has Noticed Here Own Tail And Chases It:

Found her own tail and chases it around.

9.) Puppies Trump Alot!:

Makes the most awful stink bombs without even knowing!!

10.) Puppies Have Amazing Hearing:

Can hear you pick her food bowl up for dinner time when she is right down at the bottom of the garden.

10 Things I've Learned From A 12 Week Old Sheepdog

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Claire Justine
Claire Justine

Hi, I am Claire and I created Claire Justine in 2011. I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them.

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Claire Justine Oxox- Over 50s Lifestyle Blog. You can also read more about me on my Over 50s Lifestyle Blog Page.

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  1. Alison
    29 July 2015 / 17:55

    Oh, she's absolutely darling. I bet she's a lot of fun too.

  2. Please may I?
    28 July 2015 / 14:27

    She is so sweet. X x

    • Clairejustine oxox
      28 July 2015 / 18:46

      Aw, thanks Trayci

  3. Sandy a la Mode
    28 July 2015 / 07:46

    awwww what a cute post!! cute dog!xo,SandySandy a la Mode

    • Clairejustine oxox
      28 July 2015 / 18:45

      Thanks Sandy 🙂

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